Seriously Animal Planet. Contact us. Photo Credit: WS
- Imposters are taking over! It seems that we’re not the only ones with fake—or real—teacher twitters. See, @LEE_BOLLINGER? You’re not #AllAlone. (NYT)
- The rats are taking over! The TV screen, that is. Animal Planet is planning a reality show about New York City’s rats. We recommend that they start their search for tiny, whiskered stars on McBain 2. And 3, and 4… (Gawker)
- Morality is taking over! NY rep Chris Lee has stepped down from his position, due to a scandal with an inappropriate photo. Kant would be so proud. [Note: It wasn’t even nude. Come on.] At least confession just got easier—now you can download this iPhone app, and you’re all set. (Gothamist)
- Broadway is taking over your life! Literally. According to a report released this week, it’s the city’s deadliest street. (CityRoom)
- The Germans are taking over! Apparently, the NYSE is on the verge of being acquired by the same German company that controls the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. We may be in the midst of “the world’s largest financial exchange,” yet all we can think about it whether or not this means more Schnitzel & Things food trucks in the city. (NYMag, WSJ)
@Anonymous It’s not like he just took an inappropriate picture. He sent it to women, trolling for dates (sex) on facebook, while married with children pretending he was divorced. Also, he is constantly moralizing on abortion, gay marriage, etc.. so it’s not really about morality but hyprocrisy
@Anonymous lala columbia students: http://gothamist.com/2011/02/10/what_if_manhattan_lost_its_street_g.php
@gay Man, Chris Lee is HOTT!
@Anonymous All the links are not working.
@Ella Fixed! Thank you.
@Anonymous NYT link is broken for the twitter story.