In the latest installment of BwogSex, two intrepid students take SGO from a place for business to a place for business time. Don’t forget to send in your sexy questions, sultry comments and erotic (mis)adventures to our annoymous submission box.
Publications and student government groups, please forgive me: I had sex in SGO. “Why? How?” you may ask, and I shall explain. Butler sex, albeit just as exciting and risky, is so cliché. The Butler Sex Badge of Honor just isn’t as big and shiny as this one. Late one Friday night, when most Columbians were heading to Campo, the Heights, or 1020, my accomplice and I stayed on Lerner 5, innocently studying and conversing about academics—at least that’s what any onlookers may have thought. Once SGO had been dead for about 15 or 20 minutes, it was time. A moment later, I was bent over a table wearing nothing but my skirt. I made sure not to breathe one breath too loud, keeping my eyes pealed for any innocent overachievers passing through SGO on a Friday night. Once the deed was done, we dressed frantically, surprised we had actually gotten away with it. Smug, we exited SGO and then Lerner. As we headed towards the Carman Gate sporting glasses and stuffed backpacks, we received looks of pity from girls leaving Carman Hall in too-high heels. If only they knew.
@Justin One less lonely girl.
@There are definitely security cameras, as well as a small room in sgo in which to view them.
@Yeah but This doesn’t beat the couple who did it in the igloo last winter! Hint: they were once featured on Bwog…
@Anonymous Public Safety Guard Yes, I jerked off to the whole thing on the cameras and have now submitted it to all my favorite porn sites.
@... O.o
@I know who this was. ::high five::!
@note to self use a liner before making contact with any surface at SGO
@dead for 20 minutes? I guess you guys didn’t hear me jerking it in the boardroom
@CC'13 where is the actual sex in this? not hot at all.
@Anonymous well there’s that titillating image of “wearing nothing but skirt”…
@this made me hard just reading it
@Anonymous Until you realize it was written by a cross-dressing gay guy being pegged by his manservant.
Wait, that just makes it hotter.
@Anonymous Where do you find girls on campus who are actually willing to do to this completely sober???
@barnard duh
@Anonymous insert rimshot here
@Anonymous insert rimjob here
@Anonymous insert penis here
@Anonymous By and large, Barnard girls are bi and large.
@CC'11 I’ve never heard that one before! That is so original! You should write a comedy show or something!
@SEAS '11 Not original, but still amazing.
@Anonymous Isn’t there a security camera there (located by the hallway where the mailboxes are, but pointing at the main SGO space)? Some student worker goes into the copy office/security monitor room to make sure there’s plenty of tape.
@There are multiple security cameras in SGO and it’s actually monitored because the offices have things of value in them.
@So pics or it didnt happen
@but Probably false
@this is hot
@Anonymous What exactly is SGO?