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Posts Tagged with "bwogsex"

An anonymous Staff Writer describes the horrors of having a sex dream about a professor with half the semester still remaining. (Sorry, no real-life sex mishaps—this is all from the depths of one delusional, touch-starved little pea brain.)

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Screw The Stacks

We heard about a sexpert, a master of hooking up in our favorite library, so we joined him for a personal tour of the sexiest spots in Butler. Bwog and the legend—let’s call him “Jerry” to get the “BJ” effect in the dialogue— met in Butler’s majestic lobby, shook hands, and got down to business. Bwog: […]

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Have a double? Have a messy room? Are you hooking up with your neighbor and don’t want your other neighbors to hear you? Just want to spice up your sex life? Bwog is here for you, as always. We’re compiling a list of the best places to consensually hook up on campus, and the shaft […]

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The Polar Vortex is upon us. But what does this mean for your sex life? BwogSex is proud to bring you a definitive how-to guide on doing the dirty in the pur(ity) white snow. If you have any sexy thoughts or comments, please send them in to our anonymous tip form. And finally, just remember that […]

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BwogSex: Committed.

After this week’s tipped stackssex, one of you crazy readers took our bait and anonymously sent in a story. And here we present it to you: effectively debunking the myth that no one at Columbia is in a relationship. If you would like to share your own story, email or use our anonymous tip […]

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BREAKING we just received the following anonymous tip: Sex in the stacks. Butler. Level 10. Red-headed girl. Moaning (in a slightly high-pitched voice). Happening now. And a follow-up: Hi, you aren’t going to believe this (or maybe you will… It’s finals season) but I was finishing up my paper in the Butler stacks and saw/heard a […]

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Having been neglected of late, Bwog is proud to bring back BwogSex, our on-again off-again sex series addressing questions, anecdotes, advice, and anything pertaining to the erotic. Since Bwog can only work with what we’ve got, please be sure to share your loud-sex stories, conquests, musings, or questions via our anonymous tip form.  Q: So how […]

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Sure it’s summer, but that doesn’t mean there hasn’t been any action on campus.  This anonymous tipster waxes nostalgic on summer loving and the art of negotiation.  If you have any stories, queries, or miseries to share, we’d love to hear them.  Email or use our anonymous  form. Thinking back, I can’t help but […]

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BwogSex isn’t known for being meek, but today a guy recounts the rather awkward transition to dating from a sort-of-friends-who-have-drunken-benefits/late-night-buddies-who-tend-to-fuck relationship. Submit your story anonymously to our sexitor at or through our anonymous form (nude pics encouraged but optional). Sitting across from you at our small table in Starbucks, I am immediately drawn to how beautiful […]

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A couple days ago, Columbia played host to an erotic cake competition (or should we say “compeTITion?”). Scroll through to see some of the dirty, dirty deliciousness that you missed out on.

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In this cross between AskBwog and BwogSex, we advise Edward what to do when Bella says “Jacob” in her sleep take a deep look into the psyche.  Send your questions (and stories!) to Hey Bwog, Is it a big deal if my boyfriend said his ex-girlfriend’s name while he was asleep? Yours confusedly, I’m […]

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The roommate relationship is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon. You love or hate each other (or both in the same week), listen to each other’s drunken snoring, see each other on your worst hair days, and awkwardly meet each other’s parents— this may be the most important connection of your undergraduate career. Despite the great depth and significance […]

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Whose Room?

Brought to you by Bwogsex, this useful flowchart will help you decide whose room to go back to at the end of the night. If you’re too drunk to read this chart, you’re probably too drunk to decide if that guy/girl really is the most attractive person you’ve ever met. Hook up responsibly! And don’t […]

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BwogSex is back and steamier than ever with a dispatch from the front lines of roommate run-ins and coed cunnilingus—McBain. Below, a mischievous Moaning Myrtle takes us on a tour of the sordid late night happenings in the already sordid shower stalls. We also want to hear about your Columbia mishaps and multiple orgasms, so […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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