Bwog’s kinda fascinated by the 140-character nuggets of wisdom dispensed from PrezBo’s twitter. We even tried tweeting him once… it was awkward. Anywho, PrezBo’s not the only Twitter-ing Columbian. You can finally stalk these professors in a socially acceptable way by “following” them. Twitters ahoy! P.S. Follow us too!
Shamus Khan (Sociology)
- Recent tweets:
- “I made it into the Guardian (UK)! Posh is back, baby!”
- “I often forget that if I assign a lot of reading, I also have to do it.”
- “dreaming about going to a crab shack. need to hit something. and need something tasty.”
- And get this: he reads Bwog! No worries Prof Khan, we love debbie-downers.
Paul Blaer (Computer Science)
- Recent tweet: “Ah… inadvertent your mom joke in class. Fabulous.”
Saskia Sassen (Sociology)
- Recent tweet: “Until July 09 World Bank held 27% of Haiti’s external debt. Today it announced this is down to 4%. goodie!!”
Sudhir Venkatesh (Sociology)
- Recent tweets:
- “taiwandimsum”
- “Jodie’s phone rings. Its her mother calling. They let it go to voicemail, and they wait.”
- He tells short stories of Amie, Jody, and Marie.
Neil Degrasse Tyson (Astrophysics)
- Recent tweets:
- “VENUS: Goddess of Love & all that goes with it. Proper genitive form is Venereal not Venusian. MDs got to word before we did.”
- “StarTalk Tweet of Week: lf UFO beams you up, steal an ashtray when Alien’s not looking. Bring that to lab, not your testimony”
Chris Wiggins (Applied Mathematics)
- Recent tweet: “My Twifficiency score is 19%. What’s yours?”
These less-than-prolific Tweeters may share the illustrious names of Columbia professors, but we wouldn’t recommend asking them about last week’s readings:
- Peter DeMenocal: @peter_in_nyc
- Claudio Lomnitz: @clomnitz
@Alum Since when is Neil Degrasse Tyson teaching at Columbia? He’s not listed on the astronomy department’s web page.
@Good work, bwog, this was very entertaining. especially as a sociology major and future academic…love it
@yay! Shamus is the best!
@... …..
@Oh Shamus. You’re wasted in Sociology.
The English department could use a few, less up-their-own-asses professors that can keep my attention up at 9:00am and *actually* lecture.
@Anonymous sociology is amazing! as is shamus. but yeaaah, too much reading.