Don’t fret Barnard, in the storm of Columbia housing coverage, Bwog hasn’t forgotten you! We will not be liveblogging Barnard housing selection because the powers that be across the street already provide excellent and efficient resources.
Matt Kingston, Associate Director for Housing Operations, explains two of the most important online tools for Barnard students in an email:
One of the most important things for students to know, but that a lot of people don’t seem to pick up on, is that our “Available Rooms” page updates instantaneously as rooms/suites are picked. That means that students can refresh the page before their appointment time (and even as they’re waiting in line at Room Selection, since the page is “mobile-friendly” for iPhone, Blackberries, etc.).
Our goal is for students to have realistic expectations about what they’ll be able to pick when their appointment time arrives. To that end, we also introduced a feature this year that shows students exactly how many individuals or groups by size that have not selected yet. If you log in (and are registered for Room Selection), the page also tells you who many individuals / groups haven’t selected who have an appointment time before your own. This hopefully helps students to have an idea of whether there are more groups ahead of them then the number of available suites for their group size.
That page also updates instantaneously as students select at Room Selection. However, because students can change their group membership up until they actually select (i.e. join, change, or drop from a group), these numbers can also change at any point.
Barnard’s housing website has a comprehensive collection of additional information, including a breakdown of different housing options, procedures, and a calendar of important dates. Jealous much?
@Anonymous hey! what’s happening with the sit-in planned at barnard for CU swipe access?
@Anonymous you mean they are protesting to get into columbia? the irony…
@and room reviews, kiddos
@Anonymous 620 went into the 50s this year.
And studios went into the low hundreds! Usually they’re out by the 30s.
@BC '11 Barnard’s housing process has improved SO much since I came here. Lucky whippersnappers.
@Matt Kingston In addition to Sulzberger (First Years only), Sulz Tower, Plimpton, and CG, Elliott also has AC.
We do not publish “cut-off” histories at Barnard because we find that students select in very different patterns each year. For example, this year several rising-Seniors chose suites made up of doubles (and didn’t choose suites typically chosen by Seniors in the past). We’d rather students focus on the the present than the past when it comes to what they might be able to select.
@Anonymous Sulzberger (which is first years only). Sulz Tower, Plimpton, and CG.
@Anonymous Bwog doesn’t cover Barnard news people get with the program
@Anonymous Bwog often reports on Barnard events. You probably just don’t realize they are Barnard specific.
@BC '13 Could Bwog still try and find out the cut-off lottery numbers for certain dorms, like CG/620 senior suites, etc.? I think that’s really helpful for people to know.
@Anonymous last year the cutoff for all-single senior suites in 620 was 25
@Anonymous Could you tell us which Barnard dorms have AC?
@hmmm Well I know from experience that Plimpton, Sulzberger, and Sulz tower DO have AC. Not sure about the rest.
@Anonymous elliott & CG have AC too
@Senior so glad i don’t have to deal with the shitshow that is the housing process on this campus
@Columbia Housing “Our goal is for students to have realistic expectations about what they’ll be able to pick when their appointment time arrives.”
C’mon… Where’s the fun in that?!?
@Anonymous this is so much better than columbia
@Anonymous wait barnard isn’t columbia?
@Anonymous lolBarnard