Last Wednesday, Bwog Writer Jessica Weinfeld attended the seminar “Innovation in Neurotechnology, Innovation in Governance?” where four speakers gave talks on the intersection of neurotechnology and government regulation.
The Twitter account, that is. We received word yesterday that the @deantini Twitter has been suspended. Turns out the as-yet-unknown creator didn’t put up the white flag after being unveiled by both Columbia College and the dean himself (see below). His resistance caused a “fair amount of confusion” according to Amanda Lang from CC’s Office of Communications, […]
Update: As of 6/18, the account no longer exists. Update: We’ve received official word that it’s definitely not the real Deantini. As of yesterday, “James J. Valentini,” or simply @deantini, infiltrated the Twittersphere. Now this can mean two things: Either Deantini has tried to expand his “hip” social media presence even further, or there is a […]
Are you reading this on your iPhone? Well, maybe you shouldn’t be! Bwog is back to defend the seemingly indefensible, and today, resident Luddite Raphaelle Debenedetti makes the case for the dumbphone. Since it’s not New Jersey, it won’t be our most hopeless battle yet. “Are you two texting each other?” asked the curiously blunt waiter at […]
It’s finals week and you know what that means. We’ve lampooned the inanity of Butler before, but this year we’ve adapted Butler Bingo around those closest (literally) to you: Butler Archetypes. Here’s how to play: sit in Butler. Look at the game board. Scroll over each square to read its description. Look around you. When […]
It’s finals season, and you probably can’t help but compare this year’s experience with previous years—was I better prepared? Did I just have a lighter courseload? Hey, when did I stop getting laid? If you’re anything like Bwog, you also miss another fundamental institution often associated with finals: snow. So instead of studying for that […]
Continuing the procrastination-fueled hunt for the inane, Bwog has been keeping a watchful eye on the airwaves and is back with a mix of some of the more memorable Wi-Fi network names around campus. And Big Brother can see your iTunes library names too! Add your favorites in the comments and be sure to check out last […]
If you are as impatient as the rest of us when waiting in line for anything, hopefully this week’s edition of Boringside Heights will make things move a bit more quickly.
Technology ruined baseball. And Times Square. Or maybe that was Bloomberg and the throngs of tourists. Either way, Times Square is getting an overhaul to make it, if you can believe it, “minimalistic.” (NY Daily News) In one of the most poorly kept secrets of all time, it’s official: Jay-Z and a small consortium of […]
These last few weeks, Morningside Heights has seen a few yet snazzy improvements. Also, in front of the circulation desks in 300 Butler, 16 computers have been revamped with Microsoft Office Suite and Adobe Creative Suite. And look out for upgrades at the Digital Humanities Center (305 Butler), and three new Macs in the Music and Arts Library […]
Columbia is no stranger to website redesigns, but here comes an overhaul that will actually matter. As CUIT so eloquently phrases it on the CourseWorks home page, this fall “CourseWorks Begins Transition to New CourseWorks.” The current CourseWorks is based on the Prometheus course management system and has been around since 2001—to put that in […]
Don’t fret Barnard, in the storm of Columbia housing coverage, Bwog hasn’t forgotten you! We will not be liveblogging Barnard housing selection because the powers that be across the street already provide excellent and efficient resources. Matt Kingston, Associate Director for Housing Operations, explains two of the most important online tools for Barnard students in […]
Barnardians! Forget about your worries and your strife! One of Mother Nature’s finer recipes shall soon be available to you: As of Tuesday, March 1st, the powers that be will enable gchat for all gBear accounts!
Once upon a time, coyotes roamed our fair campus. Now the wild canines have migrated to faraway Queens County. (Gothamist) It sounds like a dream, knowing precisely when the next subway will arrive. Now, thanks to Alex Bell, a SEAS grad student, there’s an app for that. (NY1) Richard Paul Richman (what a name!), alum […]
At the Package Center: After foolishly spending too much for stamps in the stamps machine, a twitchy freshperson holds up the envelope and asks an employee: “Where does the stamp go?”
Focus Series Kickoff: Lareina Yee ’95 On Navigating The Modern Workplace
February 4, 2025Focus Series Kickoff: Lareina Yee ’95 On Navigating The Modern Workplace
February 4, 2025Focus Series Kickoff: Lareina Yee ’95 On Navigating The Modern Workplace
February 4, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
February 3, 2025