- Nearby dorms: McBain and Watt are across Broadway. Hogan and Broadway are only a block away.
- Stores and restaurants: On top of Nussbaum & Wu and Mill Korean. Across the street from Deluxe, Milano and Campo. The rest of Broadway lies at your fingertips (shoetips?). You will live for Nussbaum pizza day. You will love the Milano men.
Cost: $7,492, mid-range price, same as River, LLC, and Harmony
- Bathrooms: The number and exclusivity of bathrooms varies by floor. A1 and D2 doubles and the A7 and D2 singles have private bathrooms. Certain C1 doubles have private bathrooms. On most floors, bathrooms are shared with a 3 or 4:1 student to bathroom ratio.
- AC/Heating: Nussbaum has both AC and heating.
- Kitchen/Lounge: Some halls have their own kitchens, others share them with the adjacent hall. Kitchens vary in size depending on the floor and hall, but all have refrigerators, ample shelf space, a stove, and a sink.
- Laundry: The laundry facilities are located in the basement. Nussbaum charges some of the highest laundry prices on campus: $1.70 per washer or dryer.
- Computers/Printers: There are no printers in Nussbaum. McBain has one NINJA printer, but it is often broken
- Gym: There’s no gym in Nussbaum, though there is what appears to be a work out bench in the basement.
- Intra-transportation: Two elevators and a stairwell. The elevators are relatively slow.
- Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi and ethernet.
- Hardwood/Carpet: All floors are hardwood.
- Facilities: Because Nuss houses non-Columbia residents, it has its own maintenance crew that gets stuff done fast. They clean the bathrooms and kitchens weekly.
- Important update: the 14 largest singles in Nussbaum will be converted to doubles for this upcoming year
- Doubles: 82 rooms, from 174 sq. feet to 220 sq. feet.
- Singles: 35 rooms, from 124 sq. feet to 160 sq. feet.
- Windows vary. The rooms in the bottom corner of the “U” have only one window and it faces your neighbor’s blinds.
- Last year’s last double went to 10/1869; walk-through doubles went to 10/138.
- Last year’s last single went to 30/2495.
Bwog recommendation:
- This is a great choice for rising Sophmores looking for doubles. If you want to live with all of your friends but don’t have the Junior connections to work the numbers, choosing adjacent doubles in Nussbaum after a de-group is a good alternative.
- Singles are a good choice for seniors that don’t want to join a suite and want to cook.
- RAs are pretty hands off, and there is a lot of privacy
Resident opinions:
- “Having a kitchen is great. But having a kitchen which is down a hall, through a strange handle-less door, to the right and shared with a bunch of strangers who keep dirtying your cooking-ware and leaving it in the sink is at times frustrating. Though this may not be universal, the RA practically non-existent. This is good when you want to throw a party in your room and bad when your neighbor wants to. The kids in the adjacent suite regularly have parties which span most of the hallway. Because Nuss houses non-Columbia residents, it has its own maintenance crew who gets stuff done fast. They clean the bathrooms and kitchens weekly. There isn’t a strong sense of community in Nussbaum.”
- Also check out this 2008 review.
- Just average elevators. Not worthy of my love and affection.
Photos by Elyse DeWitt
@Do you need to clean the private bathrooms yourself, or do they get cleaned by facilities?
@Clarify please Can someone please clarify which suite(s) are being referred to when this review says, “Windows vary. The rooms in the bottom corner of the “U” have only one window and it faces your neighbor’s blinds.”? Thanks in advance.
@in defence The bathroom situation is great and so convenient. There is the occasional mouse in the kitchen but in my experience not in anyone’s room. The high ceilings, wood floors, lobby, and general art deco-ness make it feel homey and pleasant which really does make a difference. Its quiet but not antisocial, people just tend to outsource their parties. Its not weird that you’re in a “suite” with strangers because its basically like living in a corridor. You get to know each other and sharing the kitchen and bathrooms is totally fine. The maintenance staff gets stuff fixed really quickly. The doubles are sort of small and you should keep your kitchen stuff in your room because it tends to get stolen or used without your permission. Otherwise Nussbaum is not a bad place to live at all.
@Anonymous what fence are you taking away?
@Anonymous If you hear something moving in your trash can or laundry basket don’t be alarmed… You are hearing a couple of small animals or insects making babies… Rats, mice, or roaches….
@... Nothing like news of a major rat infestation to harsh one’s mellow!
@Wait Nussbaum doesn’t have air conditioning in the rooms.
that or i just haven’t found it…
@You're right... Housing site says there’s no A/C
@senior wisdom AVOID AT ALL COSTS.
Nussbaum is a rat-infestion gone out of control if there ever was. fuckin pests breed like third-world peasants…they’ll be in your bedroom, your kitchen, even your bathroom. must be something in the water there…
@Allow Me To Retort See, I’ve lived in Nussbaum for 2 and 1/2 years and genuinely loved it. The staff is amazingly friendly, access to Nussbaum bagel in your PJs, the lobby makes a great impression on visitors, GREAT river view past the 8th floor AND if you luck out; your own private bathroom (and at most you’ll share it with 3 people).
If you’re lucky enough to end up a suite with cool people with can get a pretty close circle of neighbors. Especially with the tv lobbies. C-corridors are where it’s at.
But yeah; fucking rats. All the way on one of the top floors too, I averaged about one each semester (they never linger…just pass through if you don’t have any food lying around). I mean, you do live over a deli.
@CC'13 “third world peasants”? i’m not one of those people who looks to get offended but holy fuck do you talk like this in real life?
@Anonymous yes peasants in the third world tend to have larger families so they can put them to work and earn money. stop trying to insert your PC-ness into everything and go fuck urself.
@I think... His/her beef was more with the word ‘peasant’. I personally agree with your logic and found the comment funny but when I hear that I just picture an effeminate guy acting like a Gossip Girl character.
@Anonymous “The 14 largest singles will be converted to doubles” — How do you know? Also, is this reflected in the floor plans on the Housing site?
@Claire This was confirmed by Joyce Jackson, Executive Director of Housing Services
@Anonymous Oh okay. So which rooms specifically will be turned into doubles? Also, will there be other changes like that in other buildings. Thanks Bwog!!
@Anonymous Dear god. look at that kitchen. cramped, just cramped
@Anonymous Dear god. look at that lobby. beautiful, just beautiful.
@person Toilets are always clogged and there is never any toilet paper.
@Anonymous “The 14 largest singles will be converted to doubles”
Huge singles = very small doubles. Way to generally not give a shit about students Columbia.
@Are you fucking twelve? ….arranging for more housing options and evening the system as to avoid the disparity of having 180 sq singles next to 150 sq doubles (as is currently the case) = not giving a shit about students?
Go sit in the stupid closet for an hour.
@Anonymous Go fuck yourself