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Posts Tagged with "Bwog’s guide to housing"

Housing registration for Columbia and SEAS students for the 2019-2020 school year closes this Thursday, March 7th. Lottery numbers for each registered group will be available on March 26th, post-spring break. Confused about how it all works? Internal Editor Zoe Sottile breaks it down. 

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It’s that time of the year again: spring everlasting winter! And that can mean only one thing—the annual installment of Bwog’s housing reviews.  And now we bring you Hogan.  Location: 566 W. 114th St. (entrance on Broadway) Nearby dorms: Broadway, Carman, Ruggles, all them brownstones, and it’s not too far from McBain and Watt. Shops and stores: Very close to pretty much everything because […]

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It’s that time of the year again: spring everlasting winter! And that can mean only one thing—the annual installment of Bwog’s housing reviews.  Today, we’re channeling the Talking Heads and “taking you to the River.” Location: 628 West 114th Street (colloquially known as River) Nearby dorms: Schapiro, Broadway, Hogan Stores and restaurants: That one Halal cart, Amir’s, M2M, Morton Williams, pretty […]

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This is it, pre-frosh, the last housing review, just in time for your May 1st decision! Learn about Hartley and Wallach, the two dorms which together comprise the Living Learning Center (LLC). Combined with Carman, John Jay, and Furnald, it completes your housing options! Ask questions in the comments! Freak out more! Hartley and Wallach […]

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Pre-frosh! Upon reading this review you will be appraised of 3/4 of your housing options! You’ve already learned your Carman from your John Jay. That’s like first-year housing ABCs! You’ll be ready for May 1st in no time. Now, behold Furnald. It’s a pretty cool, and different, place. Tomorrow we’ll give you a taste of […]

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Continuing our assistance for pre-frosh picking housing preferences, here is the second installment of Freshpeople Housing Review, in which we examine that most august residence hall, John Jay. John Jay is the other 100% first-year dorm. Rather than the double-double purity of Carman, the vast majority of JJ rooms are singles. There are a few […]

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Hey, 2015, we know you exist! And we know that you know that your housing deadline is May 1. You’re freaking out, wondering if you want a roommate, wondering if a single will cut you off from friends, wondering if the LLC is even a thing. Enter Bwog’s Freshpeople Housing Review. Here we’ll walk you […]

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It’s the last day of Housing! It’s been a super-long six-day journey and we’ve seen a lot: pairs of seniors gobbling up Woodbridge, Claremonts gone before 10-point groups, and oh yeah, sophomores getting former exclusion suites. We’ve had our share of candy, soda, and Top 40 songs too, and we’d be lying if we were […]

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Day five marks the start of a new week, but we’re still here! We’re down to 10-point groups, and with only doubles left, expect a ton of pairing up to happen. Sophomores doing housing for the first time, some words of wisdom: show up to your appointment a few minutes early, grab some of the […]

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Day four is here and we’re still thinking about Snoop. Things to expect out of the juniors and lucky sophomores today: the last 6-person suites are going to be gone in the morning, and the dregs of the former exclusions will go too. Look for Watt to be a battlefield today, and groups may start […]

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It’s the third day of a long six-day odyssey, and we embrace the first mixed-point value groups. The Housing 2011 liveblog continues! Things to expect: Woodbridge will be gobbled up by the afternoon, and there will be very few (if any) 6-persons left at the end of the day. The first 8-person will probably go […]

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Welcome back to the Housing 2011 liveblog! It’s the second day of our coverage, and seniors are starting to feel the heat. Many suites are already all taken, and many more will likely be gone by lunch. But hold the phone! Senior Regroup will still happen today—it’ll start around 3:00 or 3:30pm, look to our […]

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At last, the time has come. Welcome to the Housing 2011 liveblog, where Bwog blogs about housing live. We’ll be here all day every day for the entire selection process. We will update the chart at the top of the site as often as possible, post the official Housing whiteboard, and tell you about the […]

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Location: 70 Morningside Dr. Nearby dorms: The rest of EC, Wien. Nothing else. Stores and restaurants: HamDel, Appletree Market, SubsConscious, Kitchenette (!) No banks or large grocery stores, but there is a Citibank ATM on the 4th floor of SIPA. Cost: $8,210  dollaz. Amenities: AC/Heating: Yes and yes. Kitchen/Lounge: The kitchens are well-outfitted and recently […]

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Location: 628 W. 114th St. Nearby dorms: Not many. Hogan, sorta. Stores and restaurants: Amir’s, M2M, Starbucks, International, and basically anything on Broadway. Amenities: Bathrooms: Four bathrooms per floor; each has a tub shower, sink, and toilet. AC/Heating: No AC. Plenty of heat though (especially in the smaller rooms). Kitchen/Lounge: Each floor has two kitchens/lounges, […]

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