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Posts Tagged with "The 2011 Housing Lottery: Your Best Mistake Ever!"

Hey all of you sophomores who had a bad time of housing—you’re finally off the waitlist! A tipster has informed us that although Housing has not yet emailed him, he has seen his assignment on the one and only Star Rez. Frog w/ champagne via Wikimedia.

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Lucky seniors! Today, Housing sent out an email to members of the Class of 2012 describing a “special housing opportunity” for those that felt the wrath of the Housing Gods earlier this spring. Housing is offering rising seniors, starting with those that received the worst lottery numbers, the option to transfer to apartments with either […]

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I Laughed, I Cried!

An anonymous tipster just let the more fortunate and securely-housed-since-April Bwog know that summer transfer assignments have been released. Go forth and find your fate. Update as of 07/18: Several commenters have replied that they have not yet received their new and improved homes. We can confirm that some have indeed already been released, so […]

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How exactly did the prospects for General Selection get so dire?  Director Guru of Housing and Bwog’s new best friend Joyce Jackson explained that of course “it is always hard to say how many people will drop down to General from Suite Selection.” While she noted that fewer students have been moving off campus in […]

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It’s the last day of Housing! It’s been a super-long six-day journey and we’ve seen a lot: pairs of seniors gobbling up Woodbridge, Claremonts gone before 10-point groups, and oh yeah, sophomores getting former exclusion suites. We’ve had our share of candy, soda, and Top 40 songs too, and we’d be lying if we were […]

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Day five marks the start of a new week, but we’re still here! We’re down to 10-point groups, and with only doubles left, expect a ton of pairing up to happen. Sophomores doing housing for the first time, some words of wisdom: show up to your appointment a few minutes early, grab some of the […]

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Day four is here and we’re still thinking about Snoop. Things to expect out of the juniors and lucky sophomores today: the last 6-person suites are going to be gone in the morning, and the dregs of the former exclusions will go too. Look for Watt to be a battlefield today, and groups may start […]

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It’s the third day of a long six-day odyssey, and we embrace the first mixed-point value groups. The Housing 2011 liveblog continues! Things to expect: Woodbridge will be gobbled up by the afternoon, and there will be very few (if any) 6-persons left at the end of the day. The first 8-person will probably go […]

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Welcome back to the Housing 2011 liveblog! It’s the second day of our coverage, and seniors are starting to feel the heat. Many suites are already all taken, and many more will likely be gone by lunch. But hold the phone! Senior Regroup will still happen today—it’ll start around 3:00 or 3:30pm, look to our […]

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At last, the time has come. Welcome to the Housing 2011 liveblog, where Bwog blogs about housing live. We’ll be here all day every day for the entire selection process. We will update the chart at the top of the site as often as possible, post the official Housing whiteboard, and tell you about the […]

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Location: 70 Morningside Dr. Nearby dorms: The rest of EC, Wien. Nothing else. Stores and restaurants: HamDel, Appletree Market, SubsConscious, Kitchenette (!) No banks or large grocery stores, but there is a Citibank ATM on the 4th floor of SIPA. Cost: $8,210  dollaz. Amenities: AC/Heating: Yes and yes. Kitchen/Lounge: The kitchens are well-outfitted and recently […]

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Location: 628 W. 114th St. Nearby dorms: Not many. Hogan, sorta. Stores and restaurants: Amir’s, M2M, Starbucks, International, and basically anything on Broadway. Amenities: Bathrooms: Four bathrooms per floor; each has a tub shower, sink, and toilet. AC/Heating: No AC. Plenty of heat though (especially in the smaller rooms). Kitchen/Lounge: Each floor has two kitchens/lounges, […]

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Location: 70 Morningside Dr. Nearby dorms: Wien. That’s literally it. Stores and restaurants: HamDel, Appletree Market, SubsConscious, Kitchenette (!) No banks or large grocery stores, but there is a Citibank ATM on the 4th floor of SIPA. Amenities: AC/Heating: Yes and yes. Kitchen/Lounge: Yes and Yes. Also a hall lounge. Kitchens are very nice and […]

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Location: 508 W. 114th St. Nearby dorms: John Jay, LLC, Carman. Same block as a bunch of frat/sorority houses and Broadway Residence Hall. Stores and restaurants: Nearly everything, especially on Amsterdam. Strokos is basically next door, and you’re just a short walk from HamDel, Artopolis, and Columbia Cottage. Cost: $8,324 (same as EC, Hogan, Watt, […]

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Prepare to skip the lecture you never go to anyway—suite selection times are up, and yours probably conflicts with your schedule. In case the horror of viewing your lottery number over Spring Break caused you to suppress all memory of the Housing interwebz, here’s how to find your oddly-scheduled (12:06 pm? Really?) selection time: Log onto […]

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