This direction

Stepping Down: Cathie Black, to be replaced as New York City Schools Chancellor by Dennis Walcott. (NYT)

Getting Down: The New Yorkers attending a crazy concert on the Intrepid late this summer. Of course, Columbians have been there, done that. (Gothamist)

Shot Down: The rationale for using “No day shall erase you from the memory of time” (Aeneid) on the 9/11 memorial. As this Times op-ed explains, the quote honors the deaths of Nisus and Euryalus (remember them?) during battle, so it’s inappropriate for commemorating innocent terrorism victims. But how could the those who chose the quote know about its context? Simple, says the op-ed: “It’s called reading.” (NYT)

Taken Down: Zombies, if police hadn’t arrested this zombie hunter armed with”burglar tools, night-vision goggles and hand-drawn blueprints…a gas-powered pellet gun…five samurai swords, three daggers and other knives” at Port Authority yesterday. (NYPost).

Downloading (OK, technically streaming): TEDxColumbiaEngineeringSchool, which is sold out with 300 registered guests and a 70-person waiting list. Luckily, you can watch it live! (TED, LiveStream)

Counting Down: Seniors with only 40 days left until graduation, who celebrated the annual tradition of “40s on 40” last night.

Stripped Down: “The layers and layers of myth that have been lacquered onto [Malcom X’s] life,” by the late Columbia professor Manning Marable, whose acclaimed biography of Malcolm was just reviewed by the Times. (NYT)

Direction via Wikimedia