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Posts Tagged with "zombies"

Bwreakbwing news: Sunday’s marathon is now being run by zombies and killer geese! No one is safe!

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It’s October 3rd, and Halloween (or as some say, All Hallows’ Eve), will be upon us in just a fortnight and a half. The decidedly homogenous ‘hood of Boringside Heights is gonna get eerie real quick. Bwog hopes to highlight some of the most chilling examples of Halloween décor, in an all-encompassing post at the […]

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Life throws a lot of curveballs.  To that end, we set into Butler last night to see: what are you prepared for?  There were a lot more class references than zombie apocalypse references, sadly. 2nd floor: Nothing. New beginnings… Next weekend. That’s tough. I don’t know–probably just the zombie apocalypse. Right now I’m going to buy […]

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Much to the horror of  Columbia students and Morningside residents alike, Absolute Bagels and m2m were both recently shut down by the Health Department. (How could something so delicious be so unsanitary! They’re boiled!) It didn’t take long for things to get back to normal though. Both Absolute and m2m are back up and running! […]

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Columbia’s theatre community is on fire this semester. With everything from songs of Autumn to the Prince of Denmark, stages have been lit up again and again. This week, Bwog’s favorite zombie aficionado Kem Walker stopped by Lerner 5 for an undead surprise: The premise of “Zombie Prom,”— essentially a satire of ‘50s teen romance, isn’t one […]

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Where Art Thou?

Bored? Where Art Thou? is here to help. There’s no better way to procrastinate studying for finals and writing twenty-page papers then seeing the many arts events on and off campus this weekend! If you’d like to help your fellow classmates delay their studies, submit your event to Thursday Fall 2011 Student Prints, 5 pm […]

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Stepping Down: Cathie Black, to be replaced as New York City Schools Chancellor by Dennis Walcott. (NYT) Getting Down: The New Yorkers attending a crazy concert on the Intrepid late this summer. Of course, Columbians have been there, done that. (Gothamist) Shot Down: The rationale for using “No day shall erase you from the memory of […]

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All is not textbooks and review sessions–blow off midterm steam in the city. It’s why you’re here! Friday Shhhhh! 9pm-6am 3LD Art & Technology Center 80 Greenwich St (212.645.0374) It’s a party, and you’ll come if you want to!  Want to support 3-Legged Dog, that is, an experimental theater group.  It’s an open bar with […]

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Where’s the beef? But can YouTube and modern society eat your flesh? And yet, lack of CC’s Core Curriculum requirement doesn’t preclude taking CC Core Classes? SEAS kids in Avery? Butler: Just not enough like my dorm that happens to be 75 feet away. Lion cubs!

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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