Like the leaves fluttering to the ground so our laughter falls away as we bury our noses in textbooks. But not necessarily—sometimes textbooks say weird and amazing shit. Take this quote from Empire City (assigned by Prof Ken Jackson for his perennial favorite ‘History of the City of New York’ class) which describes Columbia’s colorful past:
The college, tho’ only one third of the plan is compleat (sic), makes a fine appearance, on one of the finest situations perhaps of any college in the world. […] One circumstance I think is a little unlucky, the enterance (sic) to this college is thro’ one of the streets where the most noted prostitutes live. This is certainly a temptation to the youth that have occasion to pass so often that way.
If you find similar hilarity, whether informative or bizarre, send it our way.
Unintentional theme of toddlers continued via Wikimedia
@jabberwocky FTW
@Anonymous You know, like the lie-burry.
@Anonymous The little girl on the left is adorable!! *squeezes cheeks*
@Anonymous –Plato
(damn you, reCAPTCHA!)
@Anonymous Prostitutes at the gates? I believe that provides the best of educational environments.
@awkward bro Prostitutes at the gates of Columbia? Man, how some things never change…HEYO!
@Anonymous picture/caption ahah
@dudes... “burry”??