Feminist Mystique, Columbia’s soon-to-be-launched feminist magazine, is holding their first meeting tonight in Hamilton 413 at 8:30 pm. Why should you care? First, because all people deserve equality, and a system that enforces rigid gender roles and treats men and women unequally hurts both women and men. But also because there will be free milk and cookies at the meeting.
You should also check them out if you like puns, because Columbia feminists are quite witty. The theme of the inaugural issue of the magazine is, “A woman’s place is in the House, Senate, and Oval Office.” Another newly formed, and slightly more radical, Columbia feminist group took the name “Radical CUNTS“—Columbia Undergraduates Not Tolerating Sexism. Their first meeting is Friday at 6:00 pm in the Malcolm X Lounge, and they’ll also have free food.
Update: More free food tonight! The Culinary Society (yeah, that one—you know it’s gonna be good) is serving heaps of free food at their “childhood favorites” event tonight in the Satow Room at 9:30 pm. They’ll have smoked mac ‘n cheese with various toppings, cranberry pizza, milk ‘n cookies, dinosaur cupcakes, and a “gourmet PB&J bar” (!)
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@to clarify the name listed on their facebook event is *College* Undergraduates Not Tolerating Sexism
@Ovum:Oval::Eggs:X I’m trying to force a Malcolm Eggs pun, by any means necessary.
@Vive le feminisme! http://my-ear-trumpet.tumblr.com/post/10764033238/sydneyflapper-julien-leclerc-for-fantasio
@BTW Whatever happened to C-Spot?
@Anonymous For fuck’s sake, Bwog, you have to give me more than 1 hour’s advance notice of free food.
@implying it isn’t all part of their plan to eat it all before we do
@curious are there any men in either group?
@Oh I bet they’ve had plenty of men in them
(said the anonymous bwog poster, respecting that women are free to do as they please with their bodies yet refusing to let this double entendre go unnoticed)
@Anonymous the head of the cu gop is so lucky
@Feminism is for everyone! There are men in the latter group.
Not sure about the former.
@Anonymous There are men in the former too. Several are writing pieces for the first issue.
@T-O Isn’t the latter group’s name sexist?
@No I think the point is that they’re reclaiming the word. It’s like they’re mocking the sexists.
@every time a word gets reclaimed I feel like everyone’s just trying to out-do each other in how PC they are.
@hey “a woman’s place is in the house” — Bella Abzug’s congressional campaign slogan CITE YA SOURCES PLEEZ
@...so did anyone else interpret that as a pun on “ovum” rather than “house”? No? Just me? Oh, okay.