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Posts Tagged with "feminism"

Sad to return to campus after spring break? Cheer yourself up with a Pi Day Party, or attend events covering feminism, Ukrainian artists, and more.

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On Monday, December 4, a faculty roundtable titled “On Feminism and Palestine” examined the history of Palestine and the ongoing violence in Gaza from feminist, queer, and postcolonial frameworks.

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Staff Writer Dominic Wiharso attended Columbia’s Institute of Latin American Studies’ book presentation and roundtable where global scholars engaged in a dialogue about the book, Feminist Anthropologies in Mexico: Epistemologies, Ethics, Practices, and Diverse Looks.

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“Radium Girls” made me feel things, just not the right things.

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This week, while everyone was busy trying to get off the waitlist, Bwog’s newborn and junior staff writer, Layla Alexander, went to an art event on photography, Listening to Images. This past Thursday evening, I entered the Diana Center in anticipation of an engaging presentation on how black people had been portrayed in photography throughout […]

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While movies are a great way to unwind after a long week in Butler, they also make statements about the society we inhabit. In her recent lecture “The Challenge to Avert Tragedy: ‘The Winter’s Tale’ Refigured in ‘Vertigo,’ ‘Pheonix,’ and ‘Gone Girl’,” Professor Elisabeth Bronfen examines the role of women in recent blockbusters. After attending the […]

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On Tuesday afternoon Bwog sent staff writer Nikki Shaner-Bradford to a talk and Q&A with entrepreneur Miki Agrawal, organized by Barnard’s Smart Women Lead and Pre-Health Organization, so that she could learn more Agrawal’s start-ups, scuffle with the MTA, and thoughts on how to do “cool shit.” Yesterday afternoon Miki Agrawal, CEO of Thinx and an […]

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The Facebook page boldly proclaims three things: “Free! All ages! Oodles of zines!” For the third and final event of the Big Barnard & Columbia Feminist Weekend, the Feminist Zinefest will be held. From noon until six tonight, you’ll have the chance to check out the newest zines, meet the authors, and learn about feminism in a […]

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Last night, Barnard Student Life hosted SisterSpit, an event that honored Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy by bringing together renowned slam poets and Barnard and Columbia student poets to celebrate the power of spoken word. We sent Bwogger Betsy Ladyzhets to cover the event, and she managed to pull herself out of a state of […]

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Barnard held a lecture on the women of Iran featuring Nina Ansary on Friday night. We sent Daily Editor Asya Sagnak to check it out. This Friday, the Barnard Center for Research on Women and the Middle East Institute at Columbia University hosted Barnard alum Nina Ansary in a conversation based off her widely anticipated […]

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Bwogger Amara Banks brings you the scoop on last night’s lecture with sociologist Michael Kimmel on how to engage men in the fight for gender equality. With the recent debates on campus about gender issues in society, Michael Kimmel’s lecture yesterday could not have arrived at a more perfect time. Simply titled “Engaging Men in […]

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Low Library was, as the youth say, “lit” last evening, as Sheikh Hasina, the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, spoke to members of the Columbia community. Staff writer Megan Fillion was there to soak in Hasina’s words, and comment wittily on PrezBo’s fumbling introductions. “I am going to speak to you about a topic that is […]

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We’re in the news for a good thing! Yesterday, Buzzfeed posted 28 images from “Feminism Is,” a photo project by the Columbia Dems. Over 80 people turned out on Wednesday to pose with a whiteboard explaining what feminism meant to them. The event is part of a greater Women in Media project coordinated by the Dems. […]

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Sometimes Bwog can’t get enough feminism.  And by that, we mean generally speaking insofar as feminism means being a DSpar fangirl and Bwog’s role within the walls of a women’s college.  On occasion, Bwog does find some feminism on the other side of Broadway.  On Monday, Bwog’s resident Columbia feminist Roberta Barnett checked out a […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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