The Activities Fair is now! Go outside and get some sun, free food (Dinosaur BBQ and more! Huge lines forming already), frisbees, and other things that will allure you to sign up for mailing lists. Be sure to stop by the Blue and White table as well, on Butler Walk near the Sundial.
- Green Man!
- Such a beautiful day too!
- Seriously a lot of food.
- Free stuff galore!
- Lol wat idk
@Anonymous Free Emilio!
@hay that’s quite a package there, green man
@Anonymous can you lower the beds in Schapiro?!?
@Anonymous Yes beds can be lowered, raised or debunked in schapiro…file a maintenance report to get it done.
@or do it yourself.
@nice love the smash mouth tag
@Anonymous 4local? More like 4Loko