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Posts Tagged with "activities fair"

Our hellish experience at Activities Day (We are still recovering.), heavily influenced by the light reading one of us did to prepare for LitHum. Guest Writers Avery Baumel and Erika Avallone would definitely call four hours in 90-degree weather an Inferno.

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We hope everybody is out enjoying the activities fair today (especially now that it’s not 100º outside)! If you’re anything like me, the more you walked around the endless rows of tables, the more you got to thinking about other clubs you wish we had here at Columbia. Of course anyone can always just start whatever club […]

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Today is Columbia’s Activities Fair, when hundreds of Columbia’s clubs and organizations put out their biggest banners and bowls of candy to attract new members. Stop by College Walk from 12 pm to 4 pm – you’ll know you’re in the right place by the sea of first-years and folding tables.B And be sure to […]

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First week of classes is over! Take some time to relax and celebrate with this Friday’s Bwoglines.  Happening in the World: On Thursday night, controversial Brazilian presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro was stabbed during a campaign event. The candidate is currently in intensive care. (New York Times) Happening in the US: Quirky freshmen, this one’s for you: […]

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For the first time in at least two years, the annual CU Activities Fair will be taking place on a day that isn’t hot and stanky. Today’s high is 75 with clear skies, which means there is no excuse for why we shouldn’t see you all out there! We’ll be sharing a table with our […]

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According to an email sent by Barnard Associate Dean for Student Life Alina Wong to clubs registered with the Governing Board at Barnard, the Activities Fair has been moved from this Wednesday to this Thursday, September 8th. It will be held from 12-4 p.m. in the Event Oval of the Diana Center. “Please note,” the […]

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You may have seen a life-sized cut-out of Beyonce wrapped in a rainbow flag at the activities fair today, and inside Lerner yesterday. Queen Bee was there advertising Columbia Queer Alliance’s First Friday: Flawless tonight 11pm-2am in the Lerner Party Space. Tickets are $3 at the TIC, and the first 30 of those are free. 33 has never […]

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Columbia’s annual activity fair, where clubs set up tables and you inevitably end up signing up for a million clubs you won’t go to, will be held today on Low Steps from noon to 4pm. That means if you missed out on the smaller activities fair in Lerner last week, you can still join all 2,538 […]

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The Activities Fair is now! Go outside and get some sun, free food (Dinosaur BBQ and more! Huge lines forming already), frisbees, and other things that will allure you to sign up for mailing lists. Be sure to stop by the Blue and White table as well, on Butler Walk near the Sundial.

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Improv Everywhere, the guerilla performance group that masterminds incredible public displays of silliness all over New York City, has teamed up with the (now suddenly hip) CUArts. The Mp3 Experiment Columbia University is the latest iteration of a well-established IE mission, and will definitely be the best orientation activity ever planned in the history of […]

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The annual activities fair is now well underway on Low Plaza and the ruckus can be heard all over campus.  This is your only chance to get on the mailing lists of groups you’ll never hear of again.   Generosity is abound with free water bottles and free Dinosaur BBQ.  The line is long so […]

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On the semester’s first Friday the activities fair bestowed unto Bwog the following: One plastic Japanese fan (which was very useful in the foul heat) One pocketful of melted chocolate At least four varieties of baked goods Condoms-a-plenty the Holy Bible  One bright yellow gym sack brandished with advertising from Columbia Community Outreach A nice […]

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