The Business School's alternative costume this year

The Business School joins a Common App-esque initiative, making it easier to get in. Maybe it wants to be an undergrad school for this Halloween? (Financial Times)

Ever wonder in the midst of the OWS protests where on the scale of 1 to 100 you lie? Check out this interesting infographic showing a cross section of NYC employment and its relationship to national income brackets. (NY Times)

Only for Halloween would you want to be a college graduate leaving school in this financial climate, but the story gets scarier as the financial ghosts of your student past may haunt you long after you graduate. (Pittsburgh Live)

Jersey Shore enters the realm of academia at U Chicago. (NY Times)

Lots of people will probably end up being sad, candyless children this Halloween after Saturday’s Halloween eve snow storm left 3.2 million households across the Northeast without power. (Global Post)

 Costume advice via flickr