Hailing from round the map and all along the wealth spectrum, our contestants from Argentina, Wall Street and the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros bring you another mixed bag of costumes. Keep sending ’em in. Results are later this evening!
- Che
- The 1%
- Andy Samberg and Justin Timberlake star in Dick in a Box
- Wanda and Cosmo from The Fairly OddParents
- Khal Drogo and Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones
@Anonymous 1% ftw!!! yeah baby :)
@wall street lover 1% all the way
@Anonymous Che Guevara was a murderer. Dylan Lonergan should be disgusted with himself.
@Anonymous wheres your condemnation of khal drogo? as a dothraki warrior, he killed many people.
@207partygirl the 1%!!! a great representation of NYC. and don’t those boys look classy ! (also ironic on halloween)
@Anonymous Winter is coming.
@Anonymouse Look outside… winter is here.
@Arya Stark It’s a Game of Thrones reference. And that was an excellent costume. Inspiring me to be Arya (have the complexion for it) or Cersei (have the dresses for it) next year.
@mom and dad and vicky always giving him demands (BED, TWERP!)
@Anonymous That’s Ben Bromberg Gaber as the 1%, not Joshua Ackerman!!!
Love it.
@Anonymous omg Eric Chen yesssss
@Anonymous Dick in a box ftw.
@JTS Is all over the costumes this year!
@Anonymous fairly oddparents! so good!
@Anonymous Dick in a Box wins.
@Anonymous wall street! got to love political irony.
@Hillary Kritt is the sexiest pink-haired fairy I’ve ever seen.
@Anonymous Oh my god Eric Chen you sexy beast
@Anonymous yeah dylan!
@Anonymous 1% great idea!! love it :) haha
@Anonymous Cosmo and Wanda, all the way.
@Motherlover Eric and Harry ftw
@YES the 1% ftw.
@the fairly odd parents are cute!!! and i’ve gotta say the 1% have got some swag to them
@ohhh eric
@Anonymous does Bwog pick and choose which costume entries to post?
@timmy is an average kid who no one understands
@Lonely Island Fan Sorry to be annoying, but it’s Andy Samberg! SNL love.