Bwog stopped by a ransacked Ricky’s to chat with the assistant manager, Jorge Artiva, about naked pirates and other things that made us slightly uncomfortable. In case you’re curious, the zombie costume was the most popular (but was it as good as this one?!) and the Lone Ranger was left, well, alone. 

Bwog: So what’s the strangest thing you witnessed?

Ricky’s: Someone came nude to the store. No clothes. Totally naked with body paint.

What did you say?

Please don’t take off your skin. [Laughs]. They’re students. A girl and a man dressed like pirates— a couple of naked pirates!

I have no idea if you’re serious right now.

What, you’ve never seen a naked pirate?

Not recently.

You gotta watch better porn.

Guess so. What’s the most ridiculous costume you sell here?

The one with the big titties.

Did someone buy it?

They sold out.

And what were you for Halloween?

I was pretending to be a whore, but I saw down the corner there was too much competition. [Chuckles]. See you’re laughing too much, now I gotta charge you.