Columbia computer science professor Julia Hirschberg has created a computer program that analyzes human speech and detects lies with a 70% success rate. (NYTimes)
An off-duty cop shot and arrested a mysterious man at the 125 St. subway stop who was groping girls waiting at the station. (Gothamist)
A U.S. spy drone crashed in Iran on Friday, unveiling American surveillance efforts in a country where we have no official presence. (HuffPo/Reuters)
In Fox Business Network’s Follow the Money segment, host Eric Bolling and guest Dan Gainor accused the Muppets of being Communists. (Slate)
The Dutch architectural firm MVRDV has released their plans for the a pair of towers in Seoul buildings, which will be connected by a pixelated cloud structure, uncomfortably evocative of 9/11. (Gawker)
Things That Are No Fun Unless You Tell Everyone via Wikimedia Commons