Whether you’re now in a taxi from LaGuardia just in time for your first class, or you’ve been scrubbing double-sided poster tape off of your dorm walls all break long, the Carousel of Progress has marched on with naught a look your way in our fair neighborhood. Join Morningside Heights as it proudly struts its New Year’s stuffs:
- HamDel adds a bit of “future-chic” decor
- Delusions of shelving and grandeur
- Vending machine snacks will taste so much sweeter in the presence of these McBain gym improvements
- The 111th Halal cart makes some assumptions about its patrons with new advertisement additions to packaging; “extra white sauce” euphemisms abound
- Pinnacle imposes strict legislation for the new year
- Milano spent some of its chick-parm revenue on a shiny new sign
- Nothing asks, “So, do you come here a lot…?” like new JJ lounge furniture
@working class hero Dude, the credit card minimum at Pinnacle (I fucking refuse to call it Uni Cafe) used to be $3. INJUSTICE.
@... you don’t have to keep much of an eye out if i’m in any of your classes cos i’m “that guy” and if i’m in your class, you’ll know…
@E also: duane reade increased the price of their budweiser tallboys from a remarkable $1.50 to a more standard $2.50. just an fyi.