Hop on the love train with Bwog Personals. You may notice we haven’t included last names in this installment. Well, you don’t have to be googlable to find love! Any of these ladies strike your fancy? Tell us at personals@bwog.com, and we’ll provide $10 for your date. And FYI for those who aren’t so hip with the kids: TIC means That is COOP, and TIT means That Is Theta.
- Caroline
- Aida
Name, Year, School, Major: Aida, CC ’13, AmStud/SusDev
Preference: A ho 4 a bro
Hometown: Chi-City
Your dream date in seven words or less: Free range, grass fed, all natural, bougie
What redeems you as a human being? I moved from New Hampshire to New York City and discovered nature. TIC.
Myers-Briggs Personality type: BAMF
Ref room or 209: Um, Kent.
Guilty pleasure song: Torn between Juvenile’s Back That Ass Up and T.Swift’s Love Story
Late night food stop: Three cheese grilled cheese made at home, with sautéed portobello mushrooms and thyme.
Historical Hottie: Kim Jung Il
Name, Year, School, Major: Wiki, SEAS ’13, Chemical Engineering
Preference: ChemE 4 Econ/Philosophy
Hometown: Plimouth Plantation
Your dream date in seven words or less: Gin, maybe tonic.
What redeems you as a human being? I never take off my pearls.
Myers-Briggs Personality type: PIMP
Ref room or 209: 209
Guilty pleasure song: DotA by Basshunter (shout out to my homeland)
Late night food stop: I don’t waste calories on food. TIT.
Historical Hottie: F. Scott
@Anonymous Econ/Poli-sci. Friends back home used to call me Wiki, coincidentally.
@no wonder. as far as appealing pics go – fail. next time try bathing suit over parka and goggles; also, burying your face in food and horn rims is universally unattractive. decent profiles tho.
@Anonymous i can’t tell if caroline is cute or not. maybe if there was a better picture…
@Bah. If you’re going to be totally irreverant, I’m not really going to know whether or not I like you. If you couple that with pictures where I can barely see your face? Good luck, my dears!
@Anonymous Exeter, ftw.
@Anonymous GO BLUE
@Anonymous haha truth… saw them both around campus so often. they’re definitely more attractive in person
@masshole *Plimoth. unless you mean straight up Plymouth.
@Anonymous I hope that these girls get a date with CU guys and live to tell the tale. Most of the guys on campus are assholes (either secretly or not-so-secretly). The ones left over are boring. The exceptions have girlfriends already.
Fuck valentines day on this campus.
@Anonymous I heard aida is actually a man…just saying
@Anonymous but who hasn’t?
@glocks (Un)related: open challenge to anyone in DotA…
@Anonymous I don’t get it.
@Gin, maybe tonic. Keeper.
@Anonymous Boob or breast
@cc '11 pretty sure i plowed the chick on the left
@submissive? hey V
@Anonymous Why so culty
@Anonymous seriously..
@hey baby i wanna know if you’ll be my girl
@Anonymous i’m waiting a couple years so that i propose to aida. anyone who can appreciate grass, dictators, and backin that ass up is the type of girl you marry.
@in love with wiki wiki – you are my soul mate (obviously bc i am your big….). LOVE OUR LINEAGE <3 <3 <3 and love you, little. seriously obsessed.
@Anonymous I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
@Anonymous As a fellow sorority member (obviously not Theta), this makes me both embarrassed and kind of nauseous.
@asdf someone’s bitter..
@Anonymous RRRGL
@W U T Mad inside jokes up in hurr. Not feeling the lulz.
@Anonymous I can’t choose? Those goggles! That watermelon!
Think they’d be down for a threesome? TIT? TIC? And then can I have $20 for our date, for a bottle of all-natural, bougie gin?
@Anonymous WIKI you are amazing
@Anonymous These are not the girls you’re looking for
@Obi-Wan Get your quotes right, fool.
@Anonymous LOVE YOU WIKI
@Anonymous no i love her more!!
@Anonymous TIT always <3
@Anonymous What does TIT mean?
@Anonymous breast
@Anonymous Caroline = dream girl.
@heterosexual female in a relationship I would totally date Aida
@Anonymous “ChemE 4 Econ/Philosophy”
completely agreed. econ/philosophy/[math] guys are the best…cerebral, yet practical… thoughtful, yet bro-y…
just as long as they want to get Econ PhDs instead of MBAs and want to go into academic economics and not some private wealth management shit…
@cc '11 pretty sure i plowed the girl on the left
@Anonymous Racob?
@Anonymous too bad both of them are so disappointing in person
@too bad you’re already disappointing over the internet.
@If only I was into girls! “Gin, maybe tonic.” and ” I don’t waste calories on food. TIC.” would make us soul mates
@Anonymous TIT not TIC
@they are both trying waaay too hard
@Anonymous wait, where’s caroline’s?
@Anonymous I had a crush on caroline since last year. too bad i graduated.
@Anonymous Wiki!!!!!!!!!!! Pure sexiness! Bow chicka bow!
@Anonymous Are they twins? They should date each other they’re both hilarious!