Location: 566 W. 114th
- Nearby dorms: Broadway, Ruggles, Carman. Hogan shares an entrance with the Broadway residence hall, which the hip kids have taken to calling “Brogan.”
- Stores and restaurants: Close to Lerner and Butler, across the street from Amir’s, Havana, International. One of the best locations on campus, with Milano and Lerner each located a block away.
- $8,324 (same as EC, Ruggles, Watt, Woodbridge)
- Bathrooms: One normal-sized bathroom per suite.
- AC/Heating: No AC, but some rooms have two windows for an extra breeze.
- Kitchen/Lounge: Large kitchens that come with a lot of storage space (plenty of cabinets but too few drawers). Each suite has a large lounge as well. Only some lounges have closets, but all bedroom hallways have closets.
- Laundry: Laundry room is always free empty! Seventh floor.
- Computers/Printers: Shared computer lab with the Broadway dorm; on third floor.
- Gym: No gym.
- Intra-transportation: Single elevator is often commandeered by maintenance staff, but there’s only 7 floors so you’ll be fine on the stairs.
- Hardwood/Carpet: Carpeting.
Room variety:
Four- or five-person suites that are comprised of only huge (120-150 sq. ft.) singles(!). There’s one random six-person suite on the 7th floor.
- Each suite comes with one kitchen, one bathroom, and a spacious lounge.
- Some rooms have two windows, but if you face Broadway, be prepared for noise.
- All seniors. All suites likely to be gone by the first day of Suite Selection. Often said to be the most desirable place to live as a senior.
- Need at least 30/1500. 30/1000 to feel safe.
Bwog recommendation:
- We assume you’re an all-senior group. Groups of four have the most options: if you can’t get EC townhouses, this (and Ruggles) will likely be your fallback; some will prefer Hogan for its spaciousness and proximity to Broadway. If you are in a five-person group, see what’s available on your day of Suite Selection. Good EC Highrises should be your fallback, and of course, Senior Regroup is always an option.
Resident opinions:
- “The rooms are small, but clean. The worst part: the bathrooms are disgusting. Imagine the bathroom from 8 mile.”
- “Everything you could ever want in a dorm.”
- “A little run down but it’s being renovated slowly floor by floor.”
- “LOTS of storage space: I have 4 drawers, 4 shelves, one closet, three shelf-sized cabinets, and four massive cabinets near the ceiling. Even more storage space than Carman rooms.”
- “Perfect for throwing classy parties.”
- “Very quiet building, very hands-off RAs.”
- “100% seniors who are too busy writing theses to throw obnoxious parties.”
- “Old building (pre-1900) tends to have mice.”
- “Delivery people know where the building is, no questions asked.”
@Anonymous i hear the penthouse is the shit.
@Anonymous i hear you are a eunuch
@Anonymous All of the floors have been renovated at this point. Two bathrooms, hardwood flooring, large storage space in the hallway + coat closet in the living room.
@Anonymous The University Apartments are no longer being offered next year (according to the housing website) :(((
@Anonymous what lottery # do you need for university apartments???????
@Anonymous See comment below
@Anonymous Does anyone know whether the University Apartments are open to general selection?