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Posts Tagged with "dorm reviews"

For everyone who does not go to floor 15 and wants to know about the full experience. 

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Many of us are experiencing Columbia dorms for the first time, and we’re all rushing to make comparisons. Everyone’s busy making their own tier list it seems, so here’s one I’m sure you ALL were thinking about. 

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Location: 411 W. 116th Street. Nearby dorms: East Campus Stores and restaurants: It’s a bit desolate over on 116th and Amsterdam. HamDel, food cart, Camille’s (if you’re brave) Cost: $7,340  (Same as McBain, Schapiro, Furnald, and Broadway) Amenities: Noteworthy: You get a sink in your room. A sink! In your room! Bathrooms: Amazing!  Normal floor bathrooms, recently renovated. AC/Heating: […]

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Location: 508 W. 114th St. Nearby dorms: John Jay, LLC, Carman. Same block as a bunch of frat/sorority houses brownstones and Broadway Residence Hall. Stores and restaurants: Nearly everything, especially on Amsterdam. Strokos is basically next door, and you’re just a short walk from HamDel, Artopolis, and Columbia Cottage. Stroll an avenue to the west […]

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Location: 605-615 W. 115th Street. Nearby dorms: Furnald, Woodbridge Stores and restaurants: UPS Store (yay!), the best Halal cart, Lerner, Morton Williams, M2M, Uni Cafe Cost: $7,340 (same as Wien, McBain, Broadway) Amenities: Bathrooms: Decent floor bathrooms. Upper floors renovated recently, and 2-5 will be over summer. AC/Heating: Air conditioning and heat. Kitchen/Lounge: Every floor […]

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Location: 47 Claremont Nearby dorms: Relatively far from other Columbia dorms. Elliot and 600s are close though. Stores and restaurants: Morton Williams is the closest option. Westside’s a considerable schlep. But Fairway is only a short walk away. Starbucks, M2M, and the Halal carts are all frequented, but kiss Chipotle goodbye. You can order in, […]

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Once again, you can count on Bwog to deliver your annual housing reviews. Here’s the beginning of our series, so you aren’t such a lost puppy when choosing where you’re going to live.  Location: 2900 Broadway (actual entrance on 114th, shared with Hogan) Nearby dorms: Hogan, Ruggles, Carman, not far from McBain and Watt. Broadway […]

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Bwog has obtained only scant reports about the goings-ons inside the ex-frat houses on 114th. The description of amenities below is from 546, and the pictures are from both 536 and 546. Location: 536, 542, and 546 W. 114th St. Nearby dorms: Ruggles, Carman, Broadway, Hogan and other brownstones/Greek houses. Stores and restaurants: As central as […]

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Location: Bottom of 115th street, at 431 Riverside Drive Nearby dorms: Schapiro Stores and restaurants: MoWi, M2M, Vine, Ollie’s, Pinnacle Cost: $8,324 (same as Watt and Hogan) Amenities: Bathrooms: Each double has its very own! AC/Heating: No A/C, yes heat. Sometimes the heat is spotty which you can only really feel if you have windows […]

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Location: 628 W. 114th St. Nearby dorms: Not many. Hogan, sorta. Stores and restaurants: Amir’s, M2M, Starbucks, International, and basically anything on Broadway. Amenities: Bathrooms: Four bathrooms per floor; each has a tub shower, sink, and toilet. AC/Heating: No AC. Plenty of heat though (especially in the smaller rooms). Kitchen/Lounge: Each floor has two kitchens/lounges, […]

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  Location: 566 W. 114th Nearby dorms: Broadway, Ruggles, Carman. Hogan shares an entrance with the Broadway residence hall, which the hip kids have taken to calling “Brogan.” Stores and restaurants: Close to Lerner and Butler, across the street from Amir’s, Havana, International. One of the best locations on campus, with Milano and Lerner each […]

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Location: 549 W. 113th Street Nearby dorms: Across the street from Symposium and McBain. Around the block from Broadway and Hogan. Stores and restaurants: All the same locations as McBain and Nussbaum—you’ve got the best of Broadway at your disposal. Milano, Nussbaum & Wu, and International are all a 30-second walk. And they’re all it […]

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Location: 70 Morningside Dr. Nearby dorms: The rest of EC, Wien. Nothing else. Not that it matters, because people come to you! Stores and restaurants: HamDel, Appletree Market, SubsConscious, Kitchenette(!), a handy Citibank ATM on the 4th floor of SIPA. Cost: $8,210 Amenities: AC/Heating: Yes and yes. Kitchen/Lounge: The kitchens are well-outfitted and recently remodeled. […]

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Location: 600 W. 113th Nearby dorms: McBain and Watt are across Broadway. Hogan and Broadway are only a block away. Stores and restaurants: On top of Nussbaum & Wu and Mill Korean. Across the street from Deluxe, Milano, Il Cibreo, and International. The rest of Broadway lies at your fingertips (shoetips?). You will thank the […]

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Location: 2900 Broadway (actual entrance on 114th, shared with Hogan) Nearby dorms: Hogan, Ruggles, Carman, not far from McBain and Watt. Broadway shares an entrance with Hogan. Stores and restaurants: Close to Lerner and Butler, across the street from Amir’s, Havana, and importantly International. Morton’s is only a block away across Broadway. Generally one of […]

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