In attendance at the CUCR Town Hall, where all the juicy details surrounding the biggest second–biggest outrage to hit Columbia in a fortnight are being dished out right now—are four participants, including two press people. The free Pepsi and Lays won’t consume themselves, Columbia!
UPDATE from our reporter at the scene, 8:37 pm: “A couple (tipsy?) Dems showed up. Barnard-Obama came up. For no apparent reason, it was momentarily unpleasant and confusing.”
@Conspiracy Theorist Does anyone else think that CUCR was behind the whole Obamanard comment debacle in order to take the heat off of them?
@Hooray! CUCR held their meeting and got their obligatory last-wind Bwog blurb, a final spurt of attention before receding once more into obscurity. Exactly the dying whimper we were all hoping for.
@Anonymous I want Boothe!!! <3 <3
@... the balloons are a nice touch
@Anonymous $20 says nashoba’s under that sportcoat in the corner
@Anonymous HAHAHAHA
Of course the Dems would pregame the Republican’s town hall! (Who wouldn’t?!)
@Anonymous The real President matters much more than any president of the Columbia University College Republicans.
@Anonymous We need an obarnard part 4. who’s with me?
@Anonymous david bowles.
@cc '13 guy i want him!
@cc '17 guy hands off. he’s mine
@cc '13 girl Wait…is he not straight? Because I want him…
@bc '19.45 boy none of you stand a chance against me
@Anonymous I want full and unedited audio recordings posted.
@Anonymous Is a gentleman and a scholar, coolly consuming that beverage.
@CC'14 no 1 curr about Republicans at Columbia?
@CUCR learned Press tactics Holding a meeting on a weds night during midterms is like releasing damaging info at 5pm on a friday before a holiday weekend. brilliant. PS: DAVID BOWLES! yay
@WEST WING... on Bwog take out the trash day!
@Josiah Bartlet What’s next?