When in doubt, choose C.

The results of last year’s survey of undergrads, courtesy of the CSA Assessment Team, went public tonight—and the numbers are overwhelmingly good. You can check out a more comprehensive summary here, or just skim our highlights as you halfheartedly Apple+Tab between Reddit subpages:

  • Of the 5,922 CC and SEAS students sent the survey link by email, 31% took the bait
  • 73% said that the CSA is “meeting their advising needs” and 78% would recommend their advisers to others
  • Only 51% said they’d turn to their adviser with “personal issues”
  • A whopping 96% said they like the CSA’s new digs
  • Choicest finding: “The name ‘Center for Student Advising’ connotes a hub of guidance and support”
  • 85% reported that their adviser is knowledgeable about the curriculum
  • Elusively, “some students expect quicker responses to emails”

Survey taking via Wikimedia Commons