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Posts Tagged with "csa"

It may be SAD season, but CCSC isn’t deterred. Nadra Rahman reports from the field.  In CCSC’s third meeting of the year, the body moves past setting the tone and starts making big moves—like funding a schoolwide farmshare, co-sponsoring an upcoming event by the Food Pantry, and having animated back-and-forth about NSOP. Icebreaker CCSC started […]

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Amid confusion and concern, experienced CCSC translator Joe Milholland brings to us the relevant details from this week’s meeting—in particular, the focus on improving academic advising services for students. This probably applies to you! At Sunday night’s Columbia College Student Council (CCSC) general body meeting, as the council was discussing the Center for Student Advising […]

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CCSC Learns About CSA

Key notes from keynote visitor to the CCSC  meeting last night and other miscellaneous points summed up for you by veteran CCSC correspondent, Joe Milholland.  At Sunday night’s Columbia College Student Council meeting, Dean of Advising Monique Rinere from CSA came to talk to the council about changes to the leave of absence policy and […]

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ESC met last night to do their ESC thing. We can only speculate that SEAS puns abounded… We also sent energetic engineer Aparajita Maitra to get the actual facts. It’s that time of the week again. With elections approaching, ESC is back from spring break and in full swing. Yesterday’s ESC meeting began with a very […]

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With election season coming up and midterms finally coming to obliterate our petty souls make us waste our time in Butler, it looks like CCSC is looking at how we’re doing.  Conversations about CSA were had in depth and it turns out that our workload is the same as MIT’s and CalTech’s. Yay liberal arts! Thankfully, […]

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It’s the second week of school and while you’ve changed your major for the fifth time or taken up printmaking, your highly accomplished peers of the CSA Peer Advising Program have decided to help freshmen avoid the same mistakes you’ve made. Bwog sat down with Phillip Fletcher (CC ‘13) and Amanda Suarez (CC ‘14) to […]

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The results of last year’s survey of undergrads, courtesy of the CSA Assessment Team, went public tonight—and the numbers are overwhelmingly good. You can check out a more comprehensive summary here, or just skim our highlights as you halfheartedly Apple+Tab between Reddit subpages: Of the 5,922 CC and SEAS students sent the survey link by […]

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Update, 12:16 pm: CSA extended the deadline to the 30th. Students only have four days (until March 22nd) to apply to be a CSA Peer Adviser. Bwog, still a bit groggy-eyed from spring break, wanted to investigate a bit more on what exactly this Peer Adviser job entailed and whether there’d be free food involved. CCSC […]

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Attention Columbia detizens of the twittersphere (tweetcosystem?)! Columbia’s Center for Student Advising is currently holding a twitter contest in which students are challenged to summarize their life in six words or less. The winner of the contest, to be selected “randomly from the most creative entries” at noon tomorrow, will nab an iPod shuffle. Submissions so far range […]

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Earlier this week, we introduced The Scrounger. This determined moocher is a devotée of Bwog’s free food announcements, and now reports back on CSA’s Cuban cuisine. CSA delivered on their refreshments during walk-in hours. With a hefty catering package from Havana Central, students were greeted with rice, beans, plantains and a choice of three different kinds of empanadas: […]

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CSA will serve free food from Havana Central and hold a raffle for movie tickets during their Open House from 12 pm to 4 pm today in 403 Lerner. They’ll also offer 15-minute meetings, no appointments necessary. Remember— class registration is form April 11th to 15th. There’s nothing like the fiery taste of authentic Cuban cuisine […]

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CCSC sayeth; Brian Wagner jotteth down and reporteth. As the 70+ candidates for next years student council gathered in the meeting, Learned announced that this marks a 50% increase in candidates running for CCSC. Columbia students may not be having sex, but hey, at least they’re becoming politically active. The Council agrees—the mail center lines are […]

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Since Lerner Hall flung open its perplexing glass doors in 1999, students have complained that for a student center, there is little space in the building for student activities, except perhaps for the occasional pianist trickling out “Claire de Lune.” Space reservation headaches aside, much of Lerner is used for administrative purposes. This summer, much […]

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The CSA (Caribbean Students Association), HSA (Haitian Students Association) and various Student Councils have officially formed the There is Hope: Mission Haiti campaign in order to provide short-term and long-term help to the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. The new coalition will meet tonight at 8 in Earl Hall. Robert Taylor’s email detailing the […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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