Yesterday was the final day of classes and with that teachers everywhere did their best to be inspiring and really leave a mark on their students. You may not remember everything Hegel ever said, but you will remember that one time your teacher said something that completely changed the way you look at the world. Or when they just gave up and used a curse word. With love for our teachers in our hearts, we give you just a few overheard Closing Remarks, to whet your palettes. Leave your contributions in the comments!
Stuart Firestein, FroSci: “Now, I’m not trying to particularly challenge you guys, but this is a question I asked real scientists.”
Peter Awn, Islam: “I have to be at least slightly pedantic in my last lecture.”
Evan Neely, CC: “I know it’s the last class, I’ll come up with some inspiring conclusion by the end.”
James Zetzel, Latin Linguistics: as he hands back papers, “I hope no one is allergic to cats.”
The beach Bwog wishes we were now on via Wikimedia Commons
@Anonymous NEELY IS A BOSS
@englit molly murray [after making a really awkward pun in the last minute of class]
“Oh, come on, I can’t end the class on that note, someone say something intelligent!”
@Hey Tryna break thumbs down record, help a homeboy out! #THUM #MEDOWN
@Anonymous Shehab Ismail, TA for Marwa Elshakry, Modern Egypt: “You kind of get addicted to tear gas, it gives you a really nice buzz!”
@Anonymous Austin Quigley, Ibsen and Pinter: “No one is saying we should do away with rough sex. Rough sex is here to stay!”
@What Columbia course analyzes the evolution of 1970’s hair styles?
Fro Sci!
@Ugh. I told you to stay off Bwog, Dad!