As you take refuge from the sweltering midsummer heat (or cold, if you’re super abroad) amidst frozen margaritas with friends or popsicles on a couch you haven’t left in three days, the world somehow manages to continue turning. Keep reading to find out in which direction.
Remember when J.P. Morgan lost more than $2 billion of other people’s money by irresponsible trading? Well that’s caused a lot of people, including politicians, to urge Jamie Dimon, the chief executive of the company, to step down from his position on the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York—but not PrezBo. He’s been subject of controversy, because he supports Dimon. He went as far as to say Dimon’s critics are “foolish” and posses a “false understanding” of how the board works. (NYT, LA Times, Business Week)
- After Paul Krugman sarcastically insulted Estonia’s economy in a blog post, Estonian president Toomas Hendrik Ilves rebutted him on Twitter. Not only did he disparage Krugman’s Nobel Prize, but he bitingly accused him of reducing the conflict to a “Princeton vs Columbia thing.” (NYT, Twitter)
NYC taxis are getting rid of their rooftop light system (those mean things?). Originally designed to indicate whether or not cabs are in service, the existing system was found to be too confusing and will be replaced with a simpler system. Basically, the light will be on if the cab is
occupiedavailable and off ifnotit’s occupied. Genius. (Capital)- Floridita, a Cuban restaurant located on Broadway and 139th, was closed down as a product of the Manhattanville campus expansion. This is old news. New news: The Times published a City Room piece on it from the perspective of Ramon Henriquez, a handyman who worked in the restaurant since immigrating from the Dominican Republic in 1984. (NYT)
In a further attempt to take over the
worldInternet, Google is teaming up with Boingo to provide free Wi-Fi at select downtown subway stops until September 7th. After this date, Boingo expects to receive other sponsorship to keep the bytes flowing, gelling with the MTA’s controversial efforts bring internet service to the subway. Words with Friends vs actual words with friends: you decide. (Brokelyn)- The plans for a new med school building have been released. Designed by Diller Scofidio and and Renfro, this “14 story glass tower” will have a 42 month construction period beginning in 2013. Boasting a crazy cascade design, this potential wonder raises the question: will it put NoCo to shame? (Curbed)
@Anonymous “Noble” Prize, Bwog? Really?
@Anonymous Obviously in Estonia they don’t know that Columbia is way better than Princeton.
@Anonymous Yes, they do. That was the point. The president of Estonia graduated from Columbia…
@Daaaaammm Paul Krugman got told, son!
@Procrastination on the payroll Does anyone else think that the taxi system should be lights on when it’s AVAILABLE, not when it’s occupied? I don’t know about you, but when it’s late at night and cars are zooming by, I tend to look for the light as a sign of an approaching taxi, and it would be nice if the light also meant that it was ready and waiting for me to hop in! Of course, as a Columbia student I can’t really afford taxis. So I guess it doesn’t quite matter to me…. Stuck on the subway.
@Peter Great point. We mixed it up in the post, but it’s been corrected now. Thanks!
@Anonymous The med school isn’t in Manhattanville. It’s in Washington Heights, up near the medical center.
@Anonymous it sounds like they might plan to build a new medical school building on the manhattanville campus. but the actual article makes it sound like they are going to build it in washington heights.
@Anonymous They are going to put research buildings and engineering buildings in Manhattanville, but no medicine. The Jerome Greene Mind, brain, and behavior building is alreday under construction in Manhattanville.
@The King of Spain There might be some confusion because DS+R are designing academic buildings at the Med School and two buildings for the Business School in Manhattanville. Other people are designing biomedical buildings for Manhatanville.
But no, they probably won’t outdo NoCo.