As you may have heard, we’re looking for a bunch of new Daily Editors. Applications are due this Friday, September 7, which means you have like 48 hours or something (What? We’re not math majors…) to apply for a spot.
Daily editors write and edit articles, pester other staff writers, and schedule posts. Dailies are responsible for hustling around Morningside, and for tipping lots of cellphone pics. Daily editors learn no fewer than three HTML tags, and get to drink free beer with the staff.
If the above sounds like a sweet deal to you, fill out the below application and email it to editors@bwog.com by Friday, September 7.
About Bwog:
- Tell us about one Bwog post you liked, and why.
- Tell us about a post you didn’t like, and why.
- What is your favorite tag?
- Come up with three sample post ideas about anything you would want to read.
About you:
- Why do you want to join Bwog?
- What do you think Bwog is?
- What kind of handshake do you give?
- What about Columbia might you be interested in writing about?
- Send us a screenshot or list of the bookmarked Favorites on your browser.
- If you like, include one (one. 1. uno.) writing sample you’re proud of.
- What day(s) of the week are you available?
- If you like, include something you think we should read (that someone else wrote).
1 Comment
@Anonymous this application is too much of a coolness test.