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Posts Tagged with "apply"

Applications to be a Daily Editors, Staff Writers, Illustrators, or Tech Team member by 11:59 pm ET!

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Applications are due Friday, September 22 at 11:59 pm!

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The application deadline will not be extended, as we’ve already gotten enough applications to fill the roles. Just FYI. 

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If you haven’t sent in your application for Daily Editor yet, now is your last chance to #RushBwog (in this capacity, at least)! Apply by 11:59pm tonight to be considered for the position. Daily Editors have a fantastic opportunity to start a career at Bwog with a real leadership position–you’ll essentially be in charge of scheduling […]

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Yesterday we unleashed our application for daily editors upon the world. Today, we reveal another position that you should definitely apply for: Staff Writer! After all, “Bwog” is a portmanteau of “Blue and White blog,” and “blog” is a portmanteau of “web log,” and a “log” is something that people write in. Thus, we need enthusiastic, […]

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Bwog Wants You!

The few, the brave, the snarky: day-to-day operation at Bwog is orchestrated by a small group of daily editors (dailies), who are responsible for writing Bwoglines and ensuring that the posts scheduled on their day of the week make it on to the site on schedule. Essentially, our dailies are the reason Bwog runs on […]

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With a smaller audience than they’ve seen this semester, SGA’s Rep Council met last night in the Diana Center Café for a meeting that was short and pretty sweet. Renée Kraiem’s report in honor of yesterday night’s brevity, is also pretty short.  To everybody who meant to apply for one of the open positions on […]

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As you may have heard, we’re looking for a bunch of new Daily Editors. Applications are due this Friday, September 7, which means you have like 48 hours or something (What? We’re not math majors…) to apply for a spot. Daily editors write and edit articles, pester other staff writers, and schedule posts. Dailies are responsible […]

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Bwog is looking for some bright-eyed youngins to serve as our newest daily editors. Freshpeople, this means you, too! (If you want to get a better idea of what Bwog is before you throw your hipster beanie into the ring, stop by our first meeting of the year this Sunday, September 2. It will be […]

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As the great William Shakespeare once wrote, “This above all: to thine own self be true. Apply to be the next Bwog Arts Editor.” Okay, so we kinda butchered that—which is why we need someone who knows about the arts ‘n stuff to join our staff and make sure we don’t do it again. So […]

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Bwog literally runs on the human spirit. If you have lots of human spirit that you’d like to earmark for Bwog’s consumption, you should be a Daily Editor. Dailies get to ask people probing questions, get into events for free, have their words on the Internet, and consume lots of Westside cookies at meetings!* If […]

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Bwog literally runs on the human spirit. If you have lots of human spirit that you’d like to earmark for Bwog’s consumption, you should be a Daily Editor. Dailies get to ask people probing questions, get into events for free, have their words on the Internet, and consume lots of Westside cookies at meetings!* If […]

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Bwog literally runs on the human spirit. If you have lots of human spirit that you’d like to earmark for Bwog’s consumption, you should be a Daily Editor. Dailies get to ask people probing questions, get into events for free, have their words on the Internet, and consume lots of Westside cookies at meetings!* If […]

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