Come ring in the end of the world (*according to the marching band) with one of Columbia’s best loved traditions: Orgo Night. Be ready to squeeze into Butler 209 this Thursday at 11:59 PM to get in on the madness.
Come ring in the end of the world (*according to the marching band) with one of Columbia’s best loved traditions: Orgo Night. Be ready to squeeze into Butler 209 this Thursday at 11:59 PM to get in on the madness.
@Anonymooose Dude you have no Quran.
@wait Is that a koran in the background?
@That's so tragic... I’m sorry your sense of humor is so particular that you can’t find a single person here who makes you laugh. Yours is a sad life. :(
@That's so tragic... (in response to “ugh”) (I apparently can’t work computers. My life is also so sad…)
@Anonymous Orgo night needs to be cancelled. What an insensitive group of individuals.
@Alumnus Hey watch out for the Whaaaaaa-mbulance.!
@ugh no one in this school is funny
@Anonymous yeah. Orgo night IS thursday. 11:59pm. Thursday. 13.
@anon I look forward to shitting in a bucket in my closet.
…Also, I’m pretty sure the 13th is Thursday.
@hey Orgo night is Thursday!
@Anonymous So, “Gaza Strip” posters. Funny or offensive?
@Idiot! The Holocaust slash 9/11 jokes, funny or offensive?
@Anonymous Why can’t they be both?
@Ok.... But why are people offended now instead of in Spring 2011?: “It would be for the best, the band mused, that the Palestinian Student Organization’s ‘refugee camp’ guarded with ‘cardboard guns’ wouldn’t be available to them because ‘those debauched frat bros would probably just turn the place into a Gaza Strip Club.'”
—- “Orgo Night Review: Republicans, Watermelons, and Your Childhood”, Bwog
@Dates Um. The 13th is Thursday…
@Yes the 13th is Thursday. Orgo Night starts on Thursday, the 13th of December, at 11:59 pm.
@PLOT TWIST orgo night is actually funny this semester.
@Video Editing Geek Epic Videoing Skills Are Epic, nice work!