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Posts Tagged with "orgo night winter 2012"

Let’s recap: on Thursday Dean Shollenberger condemned the Marching Band for their posters about Orgo Night in an email sent to all undergrads. In a meeting with Shollenberger, he explained that the posters were brought to his attention by students who felt marginalized by them. On Monday night, a meeting was held with a coalition of students […]

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Orgo Night began as a usual night in Butler: as a mass of people intently studying in 209. Nearly all desks were full as the stress of exams bubbled in everyone’s heads. As the crowds started to walk in, three different looks popped on people’s faces. Some looked up from their books, faces lit with […]

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With all the controversy the CUMB has been stirring up in the past few hours, you’d be a fool to miss Orgo Night. You’d also be a fool to give up your hard-won Butler seat, though, and to stuff your way into a crowd of desperate, tired people. Below, the best of both worlds: a […]

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The Columbia Marching Band has not always been known for their political correctness, and this time around it seems as if they have taken their controversial humor a step too far. Many people were offended by their Orgo Night “Gaza Strip: everyone wants a piece” promo fliers and took to notifying the administration. Following this, […]

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Here in the darkness of finals, not one, but two time-honored procrastinatory activities are available for you tonight. You can either catch Orgo Night for politically incorrect jokes in Butler, or nourish your all-nighter at Barnard’s Midnight Breakfast — the theme this year is Electric Breakfast, which means that you have to do the electric […]

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Orgo Night Cometh

Come ring in the end of the world (*according to the marching band) with one of Columbia’s best loved traditions: Orgo Night. Be ready to squeeze into Butler 209 this Thursday at 11:59 PM to get in on the madness.

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