Tonight’s personals include a Henry VIII enthusiast and a New Yorker fan: meet Hannah Cohen and Peter Sterne.
- Hannah
- Peter
Name, Year, School, Major: Hannah Jane Cohen, Sophomore, CC, Earth Science and Physics
Preference: Girl for guy
Hometown: Chappaqua, NY
Dream date in seven words or fewer: Spinal tap + beer + cuddling + late night talking
What redeems you as a human being? In the Bible verse for Hannah (Mother of Samuel), her husband asks her, “Are you drunk in the temple again? You always do this.” I try and live by this philosophy every day.
Obsessive book series of choice: The Dark Tower. Nothing else even compares.
Library room of choice: 6th Floor. Also my room.
What you think the sexiest animal is: An Icelandic Pony or a miniature husky puppy.
Guilty pleasure song: “So Yesterday” by Hillary Duff and all of Marilyn Manson. I’m a pretty embarrassing person.
Do you watch “Girls” ironically or unironically? Obviously unironically! If you say you watch Girls ironically, I will automatically assume you are stupid. Much like people who didn’t like “Cloud Atlas” or understand the Lost finale — you are dumb.
Historical hottie: Anne of Cleves. She’s the coolest of Henry VIII’s wives.
Name, Year, School, Major: Peter Sterne, Junior, CC, Anthropology
Preference: Guy for girl
Hometown: Greenwich, CT
Dream date in seven words or fewer: Dinner, drinks, discussing the New Yorker, brunch (“discussing the New Yorker” may or may not be a euphemism)
What redeems you as a human being? I afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted. Also, I always hold the door for people.
Obsessive book series of choice: The Hunger Games. J-Law is amazing.
What you think the sexiest animal is: Humans
Guilty pleasure song: Robyn, “Call Your Girlfriend”
Do you watch “Girls” ironically or unironically? Unironically. (I’m a Charlie.)
Historical Hottie: Ida Tarbell
@Oy. Cloud Atlas was nothing intrepid. It was about on the same level as A Dangerous Method.
@JJ11 4 lyfe nothin but love for the first annual peter sterne memorial winner
@Yo Hannah. Meet me at dawn on Lowe steps? I’ll leave a note on Alma if I have to pee (cuz I know you don’t dig guys who do it in bottles). Get at me, beautiful.
@agreed cloud atlas rocked
@G@Y Boii Damn, Hannah, you could make me quit the burlier sex.
@Straight Girl crush I’d let Hannah sit on my face.
@Hannah hi.
@>> >>Bwog touts its steadfast commitment to freedom of speech.
>>>Calls Peter Sterne “The wettest of farts.” A witty, mildly vulgar but hardly damning insult.
>>>>Gets comment deleted.
Is it just me, or is there a problem here?
@Anonymous nobody cares.
@Hm I would disagree. I find it morally and professionally questionable that an editor of Bwog can simply delete any comments he finds personally unflattering.
@Geoff yeah can we maybe list people from outside westchester or Connecticut for once?
@Anonymous I am automatically impressed by any girl who does physics.
(Because of the physics part, not the girl part. The girl part is relevant because I’m a straight guy.)
@butler 209 dodged a bullet there
@Holy non-Shiska, Batman! Realized all the cute chicks thus far have Jewish fuckin last names.
Immediately forwarding Bwog to my former classmate who still goes here. Guy is obsessed with Jewish brownhaired non-shiskas.
Man how I’d love to be at Columbia again!
-K-Dogg, SEAS Alum, ’10 and ’12
Fellow Jew.
@Gentile I thought it was shiksa, not shiska.
@Anonymous mmmm shiska-bobs
@Hey, “Call Your Girlfriend” is straight-up pleasure, nothing guilty about enjoying it
@Anonymous I would love to go out with Hannah!
@brg back off motherfucker.
also, bwog, I love your captcha now.
@Anonymous For someone going into journalism, you’d think one would know better than to take pictures without asking permission.
Your twitter looks lovely, too, Pete.
@Peter That’s a very good point, but in this case, I do have permission to use the photo.
@Wait.... Wasn’t Anne of Cleves ugly as hell? Like, she was compared to a horse almost as bad as SJP.
But then again, you included “Icelandic Pony” as a sexy animal, so…..
@? Is “SJP” Sarah Jessica Parker or Students for Justice in Palestine?
@Anon You decide
@Fem Fat > talking about girls > analyzing girls > assuming Lena Dunham is anything other than a person to be laughed at > wat r u doin
@brg More like FemThick, amirite?
@Fem Fat it’s okay folks, he knows what i look like IRL… and it’s true
@brg And I gotta say, dayummmm gurlll! There’s a reason bwog wants me to put some popcorn in the box rite now!
@BRG?!?!? FROM B@B?!?! holy wtf’ism batman!
i missed our late night conversations on b@b back when i went to columbia. i havent been on that site in 2 years but i remember our convos vividly (which admittedly is quite gross when vividly thought of but still lolz)
good times bro. good times.
– b@b former bro.
@Fem Fat brg + b@bro = missed connections *doo doo doo dooooo*
@brg Bro, who you is?
@Watching Girls “unironically” doesn’t make sense. The writing is self-aware and subtly pokes fun at itself. Claiming you only watch it ironically is like saying you read Hipster Runoff ironically; you clearly don’t know what the fuck you’re supposed to be consuming.
@Anonymous > talking seriously about girls > chewing out another person for their opinion > reading hipster runoff
@confused Is that a Columbia Daily Spectator banner I see in the background?
@The Veiled Mouth You are starting to figure out how deep the rabbit hole truly goes
@The Dark Hand so much SPECBWOG incest it’s truly disgusting.
@It's not called incest It’s called bestiality. Speccies are the humans, Bwoggies are the animals.
@Anonymous You mean you don’t have to be a famous politician to live in Chappaqua? Crazy!
@This is stupid “Obviously unironically! If you say you watch Girls ironically, I will automatically assume you are stupid.”
Girls is a fundamentally ironic television show. It is not possible to watch it unironically. Lena Dunham is a genius and this question is dumb.
@Lena D. hi i read your comment and it is very smart
@Anon I can’t even with Peter’s answers.
@from the zero But peter, I thot, I thot, u loved me… ;_;
@Secret Hilary Duff Fan I have to Come Clean: I’d hit it.
@Why not? After all, it is what dreams are made of.
@Anonymous hey now…
@TBB >identifying with Charlie. Peter, you disappoint me.
@Oh, and while I'm at it @Hannah:
You. Me. Now. Temple.
I’m a Jessa.
@The Dark Hand i thot u were goin 4 rebeka u player. she liked Franz Liszt too!
@TBB Oh, TDH, you~
>implying it wasn’t Liszt who put the romantic in Romanticism
There’s room enough for three in this story.
@The Dark Hand can we make it 4? :3
@TBB u kno it ;3
@The Dark Hand Cloaked Mask…why are you not putting your personal up on spec sucks like me???
@The Honourably Based FILGB >Majoring in Anthropology
@Anonymous I swear these personals are fucking j-date.
@but I’ve seen much more goyim on JDate
@wut dat word goyim is racist ;_;
@Twitch It’s not. It literally just means “nations.” jewish texts refer to the jews as a goy, too. colloquially is usually means “other nations.”
unless you’re committed to the idea that the use of the term Other is necessary racist, this isn’t.
@wut There is only one unracist term and that is Otherkin. There is only one Sun and Moon and that is the Machine.
@Anonymous Peter’s Catholic
@babby how is peter foam? how is stern make?
@Anonymous at first i was like “how can dinner and brunch be part of the same date” then i felt dumb.
@isnt' there a conflict of interest between bwog and peter sterne? being that he’s a staffer and could have tailored the questions to his own liking?
@go easy on him he’s a bwog writer. don’t take away one of the few methods he has left to get laid
@STOP PAUSE. FREEZE. there are 69 likes. do not, i repeat DO NOT like the post above this one.
@god damn it.
@it's ok @god: it’s at 169 now