Just because your Valentine’s chocolates have all been eaten doesn’t mean that a sweet, sweet love can’t enter your life. Meet J.T. and Rakhi — and don’t forget to send your lovelorn missives to personals@bwog.com.

Name, Year, School, Major: J.T. Ramseur, 2013, CC, Psychology

Preference: Guy for guy

Hometown: Mountain View, CA via Monterey, CA

Your dream date in seven words or fewer: Pasta dinner, movie, walk in the park

What redeems you as a human being? I don’t give half-assed hugs and I don’t need to drink to dance. Come to think of it, I don’t really need music either.

Obsessive book series of choice: Cliché but true: Harry Potter. I reread the seventh book AGAIN over break.

Library room of choice: Generally my room; occasionally Avery.

What you think the sexiest animal is: Foxes are foxy

Your guilty pleasure song: Say Ok — Vanessa Hudgens

Do you watch “Girls” ironically or unironically? Neither, though I may have seen enough gifs to piece it together.

Historical Hottie: BEYONCÉ IS TIMELESS. Jk, I’ll say a young W.E.B. DuBois. He was kinda cute before balding, and I can be a bit sapiosexual.


Name, Year, School, Major: Rakhi, 2014 yo, All the schools, Philosophy and Applied math and Pre-med

Preference: Girl for everyone

Hometown: WeHa (West Hartford, CT)

Your dream date in seven words or fewer: Snuggling sunshine babies hugs kisses food

What redeems you as a human being? I easily fool a lot of people. I know all and yet am known by none. And I may or may not run Columbia Compliments (guys I really don’t I promise if you run it don’t kill me).

Obsessive book series of choice: The Series of Unfortunate Events

Library room of choice: (IBM) WATSON (Eat. Drank. Facebook. Drank. Talk. Drank. Study (maybe). Drank.)

What you think the sexiest animal is: Elephants

Guilty pleasure song: Sk8er Boi by Avril

Do you watch Girls ironically or unironically? I watch it.

Historical Hottie: http://historical-hotties.tumblr.com/