Tonight’s personals feature Mitchell Feinberg and Rebekah Cohan; if you fall in love, email to make it happen.
- Mitchell Feinberg
- Rebeka Cohan
Name, Year, School, Major: Mitchell Feinberg, 2013, SEAS, Biomedical Engineering
Preference: Guy for girl
Hometown: Saint James, NY
Your dream date in seven words or fewer: Romantic dinner, singing showtunes at the piano
What redeems you as a human being? I get along really well with my younger sister Stephanie, whom I love dearly.
Obsessive book series of choice: Harry Potter, of course!
Library room of choice: Definitely the Theater on Film and Tape at the Lincoln center library
What you think the sexiest animal is: The swan? at least the most elegant.
Your guilty pleasure song: “So much better” from legally blonde…(yikes.)
Do you watch “Girls” ironically or unironically? Haha neither, never seen a minute of it!
Historical Hottie: Ayn Rand (well, not really a hottie..)
Name, Year, School, Major: Rebeka Cohan, 2014, Barnard, history
Preference: Girl for guy
Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI (go blue!)
Your dream date in seven words or fewer: The Museum of Natural History. And spaghetti.
What redeems you as a human being? I’m awkward in an endearing kind of way. And I feed/take care of my friends like the Jewish mother I am one day bound to become.
Obsessive book series of choice: It’s actually sad how obsessed I was with Harry Potter. Wait, did I say sad? I meant AWESOME.
Library room of choice: I would live in Butler Cafe as long as I had enough salt and vinegar chips to last me the rest of my life.
What you think the sexiest animal is: The lyrebird.
Your guilty pleasure song: Hey, I just met you/ and this is crazy / but here’s my number / so call me, maybe
Do you watch “Girls” ironically or unironically?: I refuse to believe that people actually watch something ironically. So, yes, I watch Girls. Haters gonna hate.
Historical Hottie: Franz Liszt. I have a thing for classical music.
@Ann Arbor Fellow Michigander, I am in love.
@Lol @And:
@'14 Rebeka’s fucking awesome and hilarious, anyone would be lucky to have her.
@Curious Do you like Ayn Rand ironically or unironically?
@curiouser i wonder if he likes ayn-al sex.
@On Ambition, Cigars, and Women: The Finer Things in Life. A Conversation with a Refined Asian Gentleman Dear my fellow Gentlewomen and Gentlemen of Columbia University in the City of New York,
I am writing to let you know that I have determined the finest things in life to be (in no particular order):
– beautiful and smart white women with big round eyes and porcelain skin
– cuban cigars
– summer vacations “out east” in the hamptons and martha’s vineyard
– Chteau Margaux fine wine
– a fine, liberal arts education
– engineering competence (for well rounded-ism)
– white women
– academic prestige and excellency (e.g., columbia, princeton, yale)
– Polo (not the clothing)
– yacht racing
– sustained financial success in your proven field (banking, law, medicine, academia, research, etc…)
– white women
– an appreciation for classical music
– an appreciation for other forms of cultural and artistic expression (raps about social issues, rock music with political fervor, etc…)
It is my sincere wish that my fellow Ivy League gunners and social entrepreneurs strive for the above-stated goals of excellency, ambition, and self-advancement.
Let us all become better, harder-working, and more refined gentlewomen and gentlemen of this fine institution and nation.
Sincerely, Truly, and Gratefully Yours,
Refined Asian Guy Class of 2012, CLS, 2015
@Anonymous you’re post is objectionable. and plain wrong. because not all white women are hot.
@oh lord not you AGAIN
@Anonymous Fuck off and die, you pathetic fuck.
@FYI wat.
@CW Beka is the most amazing person ever!! Beautiful, hilarious, and so, so caring. Any guy would be lucky to be with her!
@Anonymous CW, you are lovely too :)
@TBB Franz Liszt? Salt and vinegar chips? Franz Liszt?!? I’m sold <3
@Smart girl The man had huge hands
@Anonymous Rebeka, I’d go gay for you. You’re the loveliest person on this campus.
@i love rebeka! she is fabulous and wonderful and great.
@Seas13 The guy in the far back of her picture is giving the camera the finger lulz. She’s pretty cute tho
@Anonymous Yes, well, he’s taken…
@And literally by the prettiest girl on campus…the things I would do for Yaz Gagne…
@>spaghetti dream date >see cute girl on Bwog
>says her dream date is at the Museum of Natural History with Spaghetti
>contact Bwog and it ends up working out
>on the day of our date I cook up a big batch of spaghetti to prepare
> stuff it all into my fanny pack
>Also wearing my best cape and fedora
>we meet for the first time at the subway station
>I walk up to introduce myself
>start sweating as I walk up to her
>h-h-hi my n-name is a-anon y-you m-must b-be rebeka
>i’m sweating and shaking profusely
>suddenly my fanny pack bursts open
>spaghetti and sauce flying everywhere
>i slip on my spaghetti and bump into her
>we both fall to the ground covered in spaghetti and sauce
>i-i-i’m s-s-o s-sorry
>mfw I never see her again
@anon best greentext I’ve ever seen on bwog; this should be favorited.
@Tom Rebeka is single?!?!
@BOOO Ayn Rand Instant dealbreaker.
@That's a dealbreaker, ladies
@Anonymous woohooo Suffolk Countyyy!!!!