It’s become more impressive to become a Columbia student than ever. According to Admissions, only 6.89% of freshman applicants were admitted to CC and SEAS this year. That’s a record low admissions rate for the University, narrowly edging out the 6.92% admissions rate of two years ago. The University received 33,531 applications—more than last year, but not quite as many as two years ago—and only admitted 2,311 students.
Decision letters have already been sent out to applicants, who can also just log onto this handy Admissions website at 5 pm (EST) tonight to find out whether they’ve been admitted.
Newly admitted members of the Class of 2017 should rejoice. Newly terrified prospies of the Class of 2018 may want to consider Princeton, which had a much higher admissions rate (7.29%) than we did this year. (The other Ivies haven’t released admissions data yet.)
Bwog is thrilled for the latest crop of Columbians, and we look forward to stalking their Facebook group seeing them on campus next year!
Update (3:30)—Bwog was on College Walk to watch the joyous celebration as dozens of workers from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions carried out boxes of envelopes. Officers said that it’s the most exciting time of the year, also shown by their huge smiles and their rousing rendition of “Roar, Lion, Roar,” despite the light rain. A smaller batch of international decisions was loaded after the U.S. decisions into a different vehicle a few minutes later.
Apparently, the number of applicants is so large that not all of the envelopes can fit inside the Hamilton office, so many were stored on a squash court in Dodge. One member of the group loading letters also said that she was in labor last year at this time. Class of 2017 RD, you’re Columbia’s newest babies, and your birth will happen in only an hour and a half. See some pictures below of the beginning of your delivery:
- Marinaccio’s got this under control.
- There they are!
- Gazillions of admissions officers holding your future, 2017!
- Singing the fight song!
- As happy as can be.
- Everyone helping out.
- Columbia has an A, 93.11%, in rejection
- A cheerful Marinaccio sporting Columbia blue
- Goodbye letters!
- So gloomy, yet so cheerful.
According to Dean of Undergraduate Admissions Jessica Marinaccio, the Class of 2017 is an amazing bunch of people:
“We are proud to release acceptances to Columbia’s Class of 2017, representing the culmination of many months of outreach, conversation and deliberation. These students have been chosen from the one of the largest and most selective applicant pools in Columbia’s history, hailing from all 50 states, as well as Washington, DC, the US territories and nearly 70 countries around the world. The class admitted today offers much more to Columbia than just academic credentials and impressive achievements. They embody the fundamental character of Columbia University, sharing a deep engagement with local and global issues, a spirited devotion to intellectual inquiry and an eagerness to add their unique perspectives to our diverse student body. These students – leaders, innovators, scientists, engineers, artists and humanists – were admitted after clearly demonstrating the ways in which they will enrich our unique community; over the next few weeks, we will focus our efforts on showing them how a Columbia education could in turn enrich their lives.
Throughout April, we will welcome admitted students and their families to campus to meet current students, engage with faculty and administrators and explore New York City. Columbia alumni will also host ‘Welcome Receptions’ in many cities around the United States and abroad. Current students are looking forward to connecting with their potential future classmates through a variety of outreach efforts as well as on campus. Our community of students, alumni, faculty and administrators are united in our enthusiasm to meet and welcome this remarkable cohort of future Columbians.
Update, 3/29: The other Ivies have now released their admissions stats:
Harvard: 5.8%
Yale: 6.72%
Us: 6.89%
Princeton: 7.29%
Brown: 9.2%
Dartmouth: 10%
Penn: 12.1%
Cornell: 15.2%
@No name My friend got into the egleston scholars program at Columbia, so he is the top 1% of all applicants. Now he has to decide between Columbia, Harvard, and Williams. so tough
I am happy being Lesley Knope, thank you
@Willbe 2014 This is @ Wannabe 2019
@Willbe 2014 You only want my life because you don’t know anything about it. All I ever do is go to class and study. You can do that at any university, not just the very selective ones. The only difference is that I get the privilege of going to class with snobby rich people and hipsters. I also never get to see any exciting football or basketball games. Other than that, college is college.
@Anonymous the other (positive) difference is the professors. unclear if this outweighs all the negative differences.
@senior ughhh nooooooooooo my life is overrrrrrrr
@Anonymous “Abandon all hope- Ye Who Enter Here”
-Welcome to Hell-
@Anonymous this is easily the truest comment on here.
@Herp Derp When you say you’re going to work on “Wall Street” it makes me think you’re going to work in ops. Most people that secure front office gigs don’t talk like that.
@GSAS '14 Does anyone have statistics on the percentage of applicants accepted into the graduate schools’ programs?
@Anonymous Dude, go away. Grad students: go make your own blog used exclusively to troll the rest of the Columbia community.
@GS Troll …Meanwhile, GS’ admit rate has soared to 135% as The School of General Studies begins actively enrolling strangers on the streets of Manhattan.
@omg So true, they let anybody fucken into GS!!!
@Reject My chances at Goldman Sachs are over!!!
@anonymous that’s funny, because apparently you don’t know what the track button does. and yes, “your homies at Goldman Sachs found this comment funny as well.” #BUSTED
@CC Math-Econ17 You have not seen a happy asian woman until you have seen my mom dancing around the house while calling everybody she ever met. The fin aid is also very good.
No bamboo stick tonight! -_-
@TRACK BUTTON click it
@Wannabe 2019 Well this blows! Why do people at columbia have to be so damn smart. And for those of you who hate being at columbia you should know that me and all my friends want your life!
@Heebs How many preferences for housing to put?
@another hs senior Deferred–>rejected! Honestly, reading Bwog makes me feel better, since current columbia students seem to have a lot to complain about.
who am I kidding, though…I wanted to go here so badly.
@GS Troll Take a few years off, learn to juggle, join the Marines, and make a movie about the failures of Western intervention in Rwanda.
Then apply to GS.
Hell, I’ll even write your essay for you.
Kidding aside, I hope you feel better.
@Van Owen To all you lovely accepted high school girls reading this, just remember that your reach school is someone else’s safety. For everyone else, at least there’s still Barnard.
@Anonymous Congratulations Class of 2017!!!
@Your mom goes to college.
@hs senior Waitlisted! I’ve been reading bwog for an inappropriately long time, but my time has come to confront reality. You all are very lucky and amazing!!!
@haha ha you have go to your safety school and miss out on all are fun sucks to suck
@probably a kid who just got in. don’t be a jerk, its not cute, funny, attractive or appreciated. use your noggin, please.
@Transfer Congrats, and good luck! As someone who transferred into Columbia as a sophomore, I can tell you there is more than one path to get here so don’t give up hope.
Also, resisting the urge to grammar troll sarcastic troll.
@Twitch You think we’re amazing from reading Bwog comments?
@im going to @CC 2015:
officially punch you in the fucking face in my graduation gown
– seas, ’13
@Anonymous 7.29% is not MUCH higher. Come on guys to say that sounds kinda pathetic on our part. Come on Bwog
Not. Let’s get our heads out of our asses guys, please. Who cares about the acceptance rate?
@2016 Revel in it, guys. This will be one of the happiest moments of your life.
@CC 2015 I’m sorry, but no. I just cannot relate with this. I was getting off of just being rejected from my top choices, and Columbia was an secondary thought when I applied. I didn’t jump around or yell to the heavens when I finally got to the admissions page on my friends iPhone.
I just happened to be on a retreat during that time surrounded by other seniors whom I’d known for four years also get rejected from schools they had hoped for, including Columbia. It was an odd time of empathy mixed with celebration and reflection.
This is a GREAT moment in many of these students lives, YES. Absolutely. It was a milestone and complete change of direction for me. Happiest? absolutely not. Confused, shocked, frustrated, and overwhelmed was what I would categorize the moment as.
It’s awesome you were able to enjoy this moment. All I ask is that you please don’t assume everyone else is. They deserve to know life is more than Columbia.
@Anonymous I can’t even imagine how difficult it must have been when you realized you’d be stuck reducing yourself to a Columbia plebeian. I’m amazed that you’ve managed to pull through it.
@CU alum My homies at Goldman Sachs found this comment funny as well.
@lol so sorry your loss, man.
@Anon trolololol
@Lol I’m sure the feeling is mutual
@Wannabe 2019 I want to be you. I mean I don’t want to be a jerk I just want to go to your smart kid school. There are almost no schools that much better than columbia to make a difference in your career or grad school opportunities any so shut the f@?!k up and realize that you are going to a top 5 prestigious American university and stop being such a Debbie downer.
Is a 2290 enough for Columbia or should I take the SAT again? I am currently a sophomore in HS.
@what no bwog isnt safe, the preteens found us
@Anonymous Depends on a lot of things. Grades, activities…. and your ethnicity. You’re young though. You’ve got time to take it again.
@CC ' 13 As others have said, it depends on a lot of things, but I got in with a 2160 so dont stress…
@Track button troll
@CC15 While I think you’ve made a reasonable point that the moment one is accepted into Columbia is not necessarily the happiest of his/her life, your comment frustrates me immensely. There are some kids whose biggest dream for college is coming to Columbia and yet you applied to Columbia as a “secondary thought.” Columbia did you a favor in accepting you. Be more sensitive and aware of the fact that you are highly privileged and should get over yourself. Maybe next time you can give away your spot for someone who truly wants to be here.
@CC'14 Feel bad for the poor kids who have to go their safety school in NJ.
@Alum Fun fact: The admissions committee at said “safety school” named their summer softball team “the Dream Crushers”
@Julius SEASar Does it bother anyone that some people would literally kill other people to get the chance to have to see the sun rise from Butler?
@wait.... are you saying it’s bad I’m willing to commit homicide to get into Stanford Law?
oh wait, nvm; that’s just being a good attorney.
@Law 17 prospie If killing someone would get me into Columbia Law I might have to:)
@track button tho stop with the goddamn smiley faces
@wait i just explored the track button even more YOUR TROLLING ISN’T EVEN GOOD
@Anonymous Not at all. Hard work is commendable. Only laziness and non-intellectualism bother me.
@2015 so much for a class shirt that says “The 6.9%”… :(
but congrats to the pre-frosh! <3 <3 so excited for you all! :)
@Server issues? All I know is I’d be one PO’d pre-frosh if the same crap StarRez is going through happenes to the admissions site.
But then again if you get in….
@2016 It did. I waited the half hour for the page to load and then started doing back flips of joy once the “accepted” part showed up.
@check your facts Princeton’s press release states that their admission rate was 7.29 percent. You reported 7.92 percent…
“Princeton University has offered admission to 1,931 students, or a record-low 7.29 percent of 26,498 applicants for the class of 2017, the school said today.”
@Senior “What is coming is so horrible you have no idea.” – Prof. Angelo Cacciuto, PChem
@check your facts Princeton’s press release states that their rate was 7.29 percent. Your reported rate is 7.92 percent.
@New SEAS 17 Screw Princeton. I am choosing Columbia over Princeton because it actually is a real research university and not just some lame liberal arts college in the middle of nowhere. Easiest decision EVAR.
@Anonymous Calm down. Save your enthusiasm for something that matters.
@New SEAS 2017 You are right. I am still very excited for next year tho :)
@Anonymous …you realize that Princeton gets just as much research funding as we do right?
@SEAS14 choose Princeton!
@SEAS 15 Princeton engineering is good but it is also only has a few different engineering majors and no biomedical engineering major. I picked columbia for this reason as well. I have been able to do research at the medical center and in the chemistry department. The grade inflation is very good for med school admissions as well. While I disagree that the decision should only be based on location I don’t think that you can say Princeton engineering is absurdly better than Columbia SEAS. We probably spend way more money than Princeton on research because we have professional schools.
@track.... …button…
@Anonymous Hahahahahahahahahahah
@Princeton typo *7.29%