Robert Kasdin
Robert Kasdin, Columbia’s senior executive vice president and PrezBo’s right hand man, just accepted an off-campus internship. Basically.
He’ll be co-chairing incoming city comptroller Scott Stringer’s transition team, reports the New York Observer. The team “comprises a swath of the city’s most eminent lawyers, economists, academics, accountants, executives and community leaders”—and Kasdin is the boss of ’em!
We reached out to Kasdin for comment, and though we’re crossing our fingers that he gets back to us, we’re not holding our breath.
Finally, in unrelated Kasdin news: late last week he was spotted at Deluxe, reviewing a page in a packet headed “Friction Points.”
Update, 2:32 p.m.: Bwog just spoke with Kasdin over the phone. He says it’s a “part-time, volunteer” engagement—not job—that he’s taking on over the next few months as public service, which he views as a “privilege.” It’ll be mostly nights and weekends, he added, though his time is “fungible.”
@Susan Addelston Need an e-mail contact (or phone #?) for Stringer.
Strycker’s Bay Apts. – (Mitchell-Lama co-op on Upper West side) is hosting a victory party for Gale Brewer, Helen Rosenthal, Daniel O’Connell; would very much like to include Scott, but have no way of contacting him right now.
Please respond with contact data?
Susan Addelston (resident)
@Context is King I notice neither you nor Spectrum makes what I suspect is an important connection between Stringer and Kasdin: Manhattanville. Stringer became borough president in January 2006 and spent the first two years of his term negotiating with the University before granting his approval in the City’s land use review process. I imagine that included a lot of contact with Kasdin. Digging a bit into Stringer and Kasdin’s working relationship might make for some interesting, oh, I don’t know, journalism? Welcome to city power politics.
@Bollinger? I love Kasdin! Columbia admin fighting for “Columbia students” aka helping Scott Stringer.