why don't they just repave in front of butler

Sure the snow is pretty now but this is what the trek to Butler will feel like tomorrow.

It’s officially finals time which means for the next ~2 weeks we’ll be forgoing Bwoglines in favor of spending a few minutes in bed with you. The weather outside is pretty frightful, which is totally an excuse to not leave your room for the rest of the day. Oh and go ahead and tip more snow pictures and finals feels to tips@bwog.com

Bwogline: Todays Bwogline helps you out with studying too (shh): apparently Machiavelli matters enough to have op-eds written about him. How nice.

Finals Tip: Right before taking the final, the question is not “do I have enough time to go through my flash cards again.” It is “do I have enough time to put on my bright lipstick?”

Procrastinate: It is almost impossible to tell the difference between the names for Ikea furniture and names for death metal bands. So quiz yourself.

Overheard: Who actually studies on the first night of reading week? No one, that’s who. Overheard yesterday,

“But like how am I not supposed to go out tonight?”

Intense Ice Climbing via ShutterStock