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Posts Tagged with "snow day"

The weather outside may be frightful, but the fact that we still have (online) classes is more frightful in my opinion.

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Even though snow has just barely started falling in Morningside Heights, classes are cancelled at both Columbia and Barnard, thanks to what my Music Hum teacher has referred to as an “unbelievable snow panic.” Rejoice! Sleep in! Bake eggplant parmesan! Catch up on all the homework you didn’t do over break! Barnard bit the bullet […]

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If you were up until 3 am in Butler crossing your fingers for a snow day so that you wouldn’t have to take that 8:40 midterm, you were probably disappointed when you woke up to a bare ground. But good news: Barnard and Columbia have now announced that both schools will close at 4 pm today! […]

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After claiming in an email Wednesday night that campus would operate as normal through Winter Storm Niko, Columbia has announced that classes will not occur for both Morningside and CU Medical School campuses. The original email from Facilities Executive VP David Greenberg at 8:15 pm, entitled “Winter Storm Niko update,” stated, “At this time, we […]

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Dear Alma, And just when you thought Columbia could not get any whiter, Winter Storm Niko loomed its vanilla head. Seriously, Columbia students probably have not been shooken up by this much white nonsense since the Civil War. Tomorrow is but a small sacrifice for our safety and well being. While other New York institutions of higher learning […]

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It’s officially finals time which means for the next ~2 weeks we’ll be forgoing Bwoglines in favor of spending a few minutes in bed with you. The weather outside is pretty frightful, which is totally an excuse to not leave your room for the rest of the day. Oh and go ahead and tip more […]

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As Winter Wonderland part deux is in session, Columbia Dining hastily makes preparations for the frigid winter. Amidst transporting hot leftovers to starving brunch-goers, someone couldn’t keep up and spilled the beans. As the powdery chaos continues, Bwog can’t help but feel like this snow day is missing something.

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Today is a Snow Day! (except for the Business School)! Columbia was apparently mentioned as superior to Kenyon College off-camera on the Daily Show. The MTA is “trying very much” not to increase fares this year. (Gothamist) Hey, you know what’s cool? Meatpacking District nightclubs. (Spec) The Spectator wants to know where it’s going to […]

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Snow the Sequel

Bwog loves nothing more than snow. Take a little time out of the day to appreciate its many manifestations of beauty. A slavic languages professor wringing out his hat in front of the elevator: “Oh dear, oh God almighty, I am wet from the snow.” The tables outside of Kent have been overturned… by snowy […]

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SNOWBALL FIGHT TONIGHT AT 7:30 With thanks to Jon Hill, Elizabeth Jacob, Mahrah Taufique, Derek Arthur, Matthew Martinez, and Michelle Madejski for the photos

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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