Not the buttons! Not the gumdrop buttons!

Not the buttons! Not the gumdrop buttons!

Tonight, a new student-driven series called “Last Lectures” will be having its first Last Lecture–you know the concept, that super depressing book by Randy Pausch that your aunt made you read a few years ago.

Tonight’s lecture will feature Professors Akeel Bilgrami (Philosophy), Michelle Smith (Political Science) and Gary Okihiro (Race and Ethnicity Studies) in what (fingers crossed) will not be their last lectures, but likely will be fascinating, thought-provoking, and call-your-aunt-provoking. The professors will  be speaking about their views on “life, education, and the general pursuit of happiness and success as informed by their areas of study.”

The talk will be in Earl Hall Auditorium from 7 to 8:30 pm. Cookies have been promised.


Best character in Shrek via Shutterstock