So the storefronts of Morningside Heights have been doing quite a bit of changing recently. What with
- Cardomat folding in exchange for new health-food restaurant Dig Inn
- Citibank catching fire (real fire, not Columbia dorm fire drill fire)
- Vareli giving up its Domain name (ha, get it?)
- Crumbs being on its way out
we don’t know how much more not-so-Boringside we can handle.
Well, hope you’re sitting down, because it looks like longtime Morningside staple Columbia Cottage has reached the end of its days. According to the noticeably salty letter pictured below, managers at the Cottage haven’t been keeping up so well with their rent, and will be forced to close come late February.
The property is owned by St. John’s Owners Corporation (not surprising, given its location) and is just one example of MoHi rent prices forcing out smaller businesses (see: Cardomat). It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there.
Reactions among Bwog staffers have ranged from hysterically nostalgic to aggressively opportunistic:
“Farewell, fond memory of spiking free wine with vodka after a horrendous econometrics midterm.”
“It’s a shame. The people there are so nice, and they have random books (old CC bulletins, children’s picture books, and a UNIX tutorial.”
“Cottage is the worst. Pearls is basically the same thing, but with edible food and angrier waiters (99th and Amsterdam). Can we start a bring back P&W Sandwich Shop petition?”
There you have it. Stock up on your free, abundant, uncarded watery wine before it’s too late. Here’s hoping we get a Panera instead.
Tell us how you really feel.
A glass of red wine serving us some serious action-shot drama via Shutterstock
@but the lunch specials… :(
@lazy college senior who the fuck still pays with checks? do they actually need to specify that you can’t use mid-20th century forms of payment anymore?
@Columbia Cottage FAN lol I loved columbia cottage as much as the next guy but their service was atrocious…
@Bwog, I hope you're being playfully ironic Panera…what kind of faux-bougie, white-trash kind of suggestion is that? I mean, I love over-priced, substandard bakery goods as much as the next guy, but Bwog, but Panera is just some Italian-sounding Missouri-based chain. Its like Haagendaz: German sounding, but actually based in the Bronx. I mean, I know you try to be classy Bwog but come on…Panera is sooooo lame.
@NSOP Leader But where will I take my NSOP kids?
@Anonymous Good riddance to overpriced rubbish like Columbia Cottage that serves our admins instead of our students.
@Anonymous Because no students ever eat at Columbia Cottage…
@King Panera would be awesome. Why have substandard, greasy nonsense when you can have standardized food? You know what you are getting with chains. I refuse to shop anywhere else.
@Plato Can we get a vegan place please? Remember, “the gods created certain kinds of beings to replenish our bodies…they are the trees and the plants and the seeds.”
@Anonymous You need to leave.
@Plato Haters!
@Anonymous I hope Vine shuts down next; the service there is atrocious.
@Anonymous Yeah! Chains! Hooray!
@Anonymous Go back to the suburbs.
@Anonymous hopefully it’s one of those all-profits-go-to-charity paneras
@Anonymous *half-profits