We’ve been receiving your stream of inebriated tips, and we love it. Keep them coming to tips@bwog.com or the anonymous tip form as you take this party to 1020. We’ve also been receiving your delightful Snapchats, since, in a moment of divine inspiration, we created one last night. Add “thebwog” on Snapchat—we don’t want your naked pics, though. Tips:
- About CAVA: “Supposedly over 40 today!”
- “Some guy was laying outside my room. I asked if I could get by and he was like “you probably don’t want to.” Out of every spot on my floor’s hallway, he chose to vomit right in front of my door.”
- “My roommate is sleeping on the floor wearing shutter shades.”
- Observation: “A surprising number of gopros spotted in the crowd…to catch those action shots I suppose? I mean I guess they are water and fluid and vomit proof.”
- Overseen: “Girl ashing cigarette onto another’s face.”
- “It’s hot.”
- “EVERYONE is in a fucking crop top. Bring me a drink, bring me a drink.”
- “Bacchanal–when Columbia becomes a state school.”
- First year’s first bacchanal: “It smelled like a lot of weed.”
- Guy climbed on Alma after Lupe
- People enjoying the shrubbery.
- Gangam Style elevator shot
- Carman: it begins.
- “Post-Holi, using my suite shower and essentially strip off all of my clothes and leave them on the floor of the shower. Walk to my room to get towel, shampoo, soap. When I get back the shower is occupied. In fact, so are all the other showers on my floor. So I go to the next floor down to avoid hanging out in my fucking underwear in the lounge. Ran into multiple people that I know while in that state and couldn’t even use my towel to cover myself up because I needed it to dry myself off after. Also hair-flipped and splattered the ceiling with paint.”
- “I was on the McBain fire escape when my friend accidentally dropped a bag of coke. Somehow it landed on the roof of Sig Nu and he went to retrieve it successfully. Celebrations ensued.”