We’ve been receiving your stream of inebriated tips, and we love it. Keep them coming to tips@bwog.com or the anonymous tip form as you take this party to 1020. We’ve also been receiving your delightful Snapchats, since, in a moment of divine inspiration, we created one last night. Add “thebwog” on Snapchat—we don’t want your naked […]
You can slink back to the Reference Room, get to Lerner without having to cross College Walk and stretch out on the lawns again–the Abacchalypse is over. For those of you who skipped the event or were too diligently following Snoop’s words of wisdom, Bwog was almost fully alert to gather the following interesting events. Snoop […]
Bacchanal 2011 in picture and video. Stay tuned for tales from the concert! The grand approach:
As the sun sets over our urban beach, Bwog wishes you a rollicking good afterparty. Photo by Steve Welsh
Eager fans have just started trickling in. Overheard from an earlybird: “I feel like I’m first in line at the Apple Store for the iPad2.” The lawn is divided into four quadrants which will be opened as people show up. They’re definitely checking IDs, but bringing in bags seems to be fine. Just don’t bring […]
The end is nigh. Run for cover. It’s finally happened: THE REFERENCE ROOM IS EMPTY AT 1:15 PM ON A SATURDAY DURING A FINALS WEEKEND. It’s a sign of the times–the nerds have gone to take cover from the impending doom that even the mighty walls of Butler can’t keep out. IT’S THE ABACCHALYPSE.
Please note that Dean Peña-Mora does not endorse the content of this video. But…OMG.
Tradition interrupted! Low Steps will not bear witness to the Abacchalyse. Instead, Bachannal organizers confirmed today in an email that the concert will unconventionally be held on the West Lawn in front of Butler. Columbia’s event management people made a “managerial error” and overlooked a conflict with the construction of graduation bleachers. So unless you’re […]
A little bit of sour news, Columbia. Threatening precipitation has forced the good people at Bacchanal to move their Dark Side of the Oz screening indoors. Instead of once on the Low Steps, the movie will be screened twice, at 8 pm and 9 pm in the Lerner Cinema. Run time is about 45 minutes. According […]
The Abacchalypse approacheth—only 14 days away! Last night, CU Records hosted a battle of the bands to see which Columbia band would get to open for inimitable Snoop Dogg and Das Racist. We now know that CUSH (Columbia University Society of Hip-Hop) came out on top, but Bwog’s resident Rocker Groupie Lily Icangelo was there […]
The Abacchalypse brings you…more hip hop! After an exciting Battle 4 Bacchanal, CUSH (Columbia University Society of Hip-Hop) came out on top. (Spec) A 12-year-old Indiana middle schooler is arrested…over spilled milk. We kid you not, this tween was arrested by a police officer after refusing to clean up spilled milk in his school cafeteria. […]
Why is Columbia so violent? The Clash of the Classes continues unabated, the Battle for IAB ended in an indecisive slaughter, everyone is preparing for the upcoming Penny War, and tonight’s the Battle of the Bands! There are ten nine contestants, but only one will be victorious and perform during the Abacchalypse. It’s like the Highlander, if […]
The Abacchalypse approaches! CU Records has selected the 10 bands that will compete on Friday, April 15th to be the opening band at Bacchanal. A panel of 3 outside judges and an audience vote will determine the winner of the Battle of the Bands. Check out the bands’ websites to whet your palette: Simon Herzog […]
We’re not joking, just joking, we are joking, just joking, we’re not joking: much-hyped and utlra-hip “we’re kinda like rap/noise/pop” hip-hop duo Das Racist and Calvin Cordozar Braudus, Jr. aka SNOOP DOGG will perform at this year’s spring concert. The winner of CU Records’ Battle of the Bands (to be chosen on April 15) will […]
As we’re sure you know, the Abacchalypse is fast approaching—just five weeks away! Next Thursday’s Bacchanal Artist Release Party at Havana Central will reveal the mystery performers for this year’s show. Faithful Bwog commenters have predicted various artists, but we’d like to stir the pot just a bit more. Unlike last year’s week of Chewbacchanal […]
“Brooklyn,” A Movie Review
February 12, 2025“Brooklyn,” A Movie Review
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