Remember that time during Lupe’s set when he pretty much called us out on our drama and supported conflict resolution between Israelis and Palestinians (and the US?) In case you were too drunk and blacked out at this point in the show, Lupe brought up three students—one holding a Palestinian flag and one holding an Israeli flag (and a third with an Adbusters flag—why?)—and began to address the issue we can’t seem to get over right before his final song, “The Show Goes On,” in which he references the Gaza Strip. Lupe told us that “us political science and government majors” need to “figure this shit out.” If only we could, Lupe… But really, this shit was far too real to handle towards the sloppy end that was Bacchanal. Are we really all friends now because Lupe said so? Probably not after he repeatedly referred to the women in the audience as “bitches,” but good try.
Here are some photos from when it all went down:
- Such pride
- Corporate #murica
@Brown out Wait, is the streak of the headliner calling Low a library still active?
@Oh bwog... “Probably not after he repeatedly referred to the women in the audience as ‘bitches,'”
I’m pretty sure he meant that sarcastically. The song that he sang, “Bitch Bad,” is all about how men devalue women by calling them “bitches.”
Disclaimer: this rhymer, Lupe, is not usin’ “bitch” as a lesson
But as a psychological weapon
To set in your mind and really mess with your conceptions
Discretions, reflections, it’s clever misdirection
Cause, while I was rappin’ they was growin’ up fast
Nobody stepped in to ever slow ’em up, gasp
Sure enough, in this little world
The little boy meets one of those little girls
And he thinks she a bad bitch and she thinks she a bad bitch
He thinks disrespectfully, she thinks of that sexually
She got the wrong idea, he don’t wanna fuck her
He think she’s bad at bein’ a bitch, like his mother
@Anonymous Lupe was great. He shouldn’t have to apologize for doing something worthwhile with his talent and status. I was not *completely* fucked up and don’t recall him calling any one of the audience members a “bitch” (like the previous commentator pointed out, it might help look up the lyrics to Bitch Bad) Though he shouldn’t generalize on the trust fund comment, I (and many other performers that have played at Bacchanal in the past and used the same choice adjectives) do not find this to be unfounded. We should take the criticism and advice every once in awhile. I’m sorry if I ruined your defense of comfortable middle-class life styles and coke habits, but there is a point where shit has to get real. Maybe not when you’re passed out post-Bach, but definitely soon thereafter. Wake it up.
@Adbusters Flag was probably cause Lupe was part of Occupy Wall St, which Adbusters started
also, in his song “Bitch Bad” the chorus is “Bitch bad, women good, lady better” so he probably understood those implications
but yeah, Lupe was pretty crazy calling out the audience as “trustfund kids”, at least he doesn’t cater too his audience
@No I remember when he told the kids holding the American and Israeli flags to get off the stage “with their backwards ass country” flags. Dude puts on a crap show and insults the USA and we endorse that? Fuck that guy.
@Anonymous The truth hurts, dude.
@? So backwards that you are free to express yourself without repercussion, unlike a supermajority of the countries in the world. As they say at columbia, check your privilege and be thankful for once.
@Anonymous A regime should not be excused for its faults just because it generally enforces basic human rights, no matter how shitty the rest of the world may be in that regard.
@znssajkd why the fuck does everything including bacchanal need to be political. Fucken kids leave your flags at home
@wah wah wah someone call the butthurt brigade
@the wahmbulence is on its way