Grade distribution across subject areas

Grading across subject areas

Grades@CU—a website allowing students to see grade distributions for a variety of Columbia classes—has recently debuted a search function and a new design (we hope it involves comic sans).

The website, founded by Daniel Liss, CC ’16, allows students to input into an online database the A-range percentages available on their transcripts, which can easily be downloaded from SSOL.  The hope is that enough students will enter their information that the website will include the grade distributions for nearly all Columbia classes.

According to Liss, Grades@CU has already received the distributions for over 600 classes, which is considerable in light of the fact that Columbia offers about 300 courses per semester.

Liss is also running for the position of CCSC University Senator.  You can read information about his campaign here.

Dat graph via Grades@CU