The half-finished commencement bleachers say it all: it’s time for the Class of 2014 to start bidding their fair Columbia adieu. In honor of this year’s graduating class, Bwog has started our 2014 round of Senior Wisdoms. Today’s senior is La€ey Lacey Tompkins.


Lacey Tompkins

Name, Hometown, School, Major: Lacey Tompkins, New York, NY, BC, Psychology

Claim to fame: Most may know me as Lacey. To a special few: La€ey. To the social world as @laceyt92. If you’re still unsure, I am she who ran over your foot at Campo, Mel’s, Cannon’s, 1020, and Havana (an accurate depiction of my social evolution). But never at Butler. I’ve only been there twice.

Where are you going? I am, as some may say, a world traveler, so I am headed to the side from which I hail, my native land of the East Side of NYC. I’ll be working at an advertising agency. Blame me for all of your YouTube ads starting in the summer of 2014.

What are 3 things you learned at Columbia and would like to share with the Class of 2018?

  1. Did you know that you can IM the Barnard librarians?
  2. You can order Roti Roll directly to your booth at 1020.
  3. Be open to meeting everyone. Put yourselves in situations where you’re forced to interact with people that you wouldn’t otherwise. Everyone here has amazing things to offer and the chances are that that girl you saw dressed as Shrek in Hewitt first year, if not just both hilarious and smart, will be an award winner by senior year, if she isn’t already.

“Back in my day…” NSOP was the time in which you asked everyone, “What’s your PIN?” You could still CollegeACB a select few. The Diana was a study zone, not a fun zone, mostly because Karaoke Wednesday was not yet a weekly holiday. And the purpose of the Hive (is it still called that?) was still unclear.

Justify your existence in 30 words or fewer:
Camille Zora Inge, you make my girlhood tremble,
My senses all go wacky.
Today, I’ll tell the world my love…
Or my name’s not Helga G. Pataki!

*Note: if this reference went over your head, please reevaluate your childhood.

Write your most memorable note from the field: Yesterday in a class the professor said, “Okay, everyone, we are going to count off and get into groups.” In the next two seconds, the three people around me said: “Ugh.” “I hate counting.” “I hate moving.” Columbia can be such a happy place.

Would you rather give up oral sex or cheese? When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s amore.

One thing to do before graduating: Befriend Blue from Hewitt, Alex from Public Safety, and Melinda at the Sulzberger desk.

Any regrets? I’ve never been to late night, JJ’s, or Midnight Breakfast, all things I hope to remedy in these last days. I wish I had taken more English classes; I have a theory that English professors hold all knowledge, kind of like Dumbledore. Though a part of me wants to say, “work less, kids,” I also must write, do your homework. Today, one of my professors was talking about a book that I, uh, skimmed, and I had the thought: “Wow, I would have really liked that.” The point is: Take interesting classes. Join clubs. Go to random lectures. Or as an app folder on my phone is called, “Get Educated.”