One week of class left, so let’s move this thing along. Tonight’s Senior Wisdom is by the musical Reid Jenkins, who allowed us to use the word “macaweenie.”


Reid Jenkins

Name, Hometown, School, Major: Reid Jenkins, New York, NY, CC, Earth Science

Claim to fame: If you’ve ever seen or heard a tall white dude singing at the top of his lungs in places you wouldn’t expect, that’s me. I give the best hug massages on this side of the Hudson. I’m in this band.

Where are you going? I’m going halftime 25 blocks south to my high school bedroom, the other half (hopefully) in a stuffy van driving through the American countryside. After spending 4 years and $*%@# dollars on a Plan B, I’m doing my Plan A, music with said band. Please tell your friends about us ;)

What are 3 things you learned at Columbia and would like to share with the Class of 2018?

1. Beware of pretentious, faux-intellectual jadedness. Negativity is comfortable hiding place that gives us a false sense of superiority and satisfaction. Enthusiasm for something or someone, especially considering inevitable flaws, takes courage and commitment.

2. We all know the feeling of being cowed and intimidated by someone’s uncanny awesomeness. I guarantee someone has felt that way about you.

3. Make mistakes.

“Back in my day…” JJ’s was gloriously unrenovated.
The Daily Spectator came out with a print version every day.
Pluto was a planet.

Justify your existence in 30 words or fewer: I laugh at myself.

Write your most memorable note from the field: One time, I was walking by the lawn in front of Butler, and a guy leapt to catch a football, slipped, and hit his head on the lawn’s brick perimeter. Bleeding profusely from the head (though clearly fine), he reluctantly let his friend bring him to St. Luke’s, murmuring “man, I really needed to get work done tonight.”

Would you rather give up oral sex or cheese?

For all of the people like me who have spent sleepless nights hanging on this decision, fear not! After some google-driven reconnaissance, I have learned that cheese and oral sex are not mutually exclusive! Of my findings, this is (by far) the most presentable.

One thing to do before graduating: Get everyone I love here in one room and have an ice cream party.

Any regrets? Regrets are seductive. I spent so much time and energy of my early college career fearing that decisions I made would generate regrets later. Now that I’m *graduating,* I feel like I got as much out of this place as I could.