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@anti-rjt rob trump will never be a famous grad
@i dont wanna be Some fiction storyteller named jhumpa kalupa. Where the ibankers at bwog
@CUCR Got Barack Obama. Worst day of my life.
@anon got jhumpa lahiri awww yeah
@CC'16 Oh no I took this quiz and it turned me into Jhumpa Lahiri!!! HOW DO I CHANGE BACK
@Anonymous that Buzzfeed speech at Columbia has shitted up campus media for the past year. Give us one more fucking fad I mean quiz I dare you Bwog
@c'mon now, we’re better than this, bwog
@Wow I am the POTUS….not bad….
@who the hell is jhumpa lahiri ?
@Jhumpa Lahiri is an Indian American fiction writer. She won the Pulitzer Prize for a short story collection and her books are absolutely fantastic.