“Before I Die…,” the thought-provoking art installment that appeared at Columbia for some time last week, elicited sentence-completing thoughts that ranged from deep to inspiring to ridiculous to annoying (looking at you, kid who wants to turn into a penguin). The concept left a lot of room for different interpretations, so we created a list of some of our favorite finishes (insert dirty joke here).
- Before I…
- die.
- Most Open To Interpretation: get shafted
- Most “Taking Lit Hum Too Seriously”: strive to seek and not to yield
- Most Attainable: go commando
- Most Trying To Be Funny: building a jump-roping penguin robot
- Most Into the Wild: Sell all my things
- Most Worthy of a Youtube Video: see a triple rainbow
- Highest: see a triple rainbow
- Most Pre-Med: save a life
- Most Game of Throne: finish GoT
- Sleaziest: Gold Dig
- Most Marxian: destroy inequality
- Most Dante: turn the world upside down
- Most Possible on Acid: turn into a pigeon
- Most Close in Physical Proximity: win a Pulitzer
- Most Edgy: see a ghost
@Most Asian Study really hard and get a 4.0 in Economics so Blackstone or KKG will hire me and then I can work 90 hours a week and make fun of all my unfortunate rivals stuck at GS and McKinsey. Then I go to HBS and come out with a management position in VC.
Must follow THE PATH or I bring dishonor on myself
@Anonymous I’ve never commented on Bwog before, so I’m just playing around with how this works.
@Anonymous Thanks for letting us know.
@anon what a warm welcome…